Island Chang |
The island Ko Chang or Chang (on-tajski "to" – island) is considered "ecological paradise" and is favourite vacation spot of local residents. Tropical jungle and mountains, the various underwater world, the rich nature and untouched fauna, snow-white beaches of this silent island do its popular and among tourists. The island is located in 300 km from Bangkok, is largest of 47 islands scattered along coast of a province of Expenditure.
Local residents live till now a silent measured life, basically at the expense of fishing, cultivation of fruit and rubber cultivation.
The island nature has as to active, and to quiet rest simultaneously. Gentle slopes of rocks give the chance for mountaineering. Coastal waters both coral reeves To-changa and islands surrounding it (are united in sea National park) offer excellent possibility for immersing as to beginners, and skilled divers. The water transparency reaches 30 metres, especially during a season from October till May.
For interested persons to visit excursions – variety of the excursion programs providing trips on island, visiting of mountain falls, fishing small villages, sea walks to desert islands, underwater immersings (even to the sunk ship), trips on elephants on jungle is developed.
For judges of tasty meal – the wide range of dishes of sea kitchen is offered in numerous small bars and the small restaurants located on biggest and popular beach of the island – White Sand Beach.
The island history contains battle pages – in peak of colonisation of Indochina Siamese and French fleet here have faced, and day on January, 17th, 1921 when the flagship of Siamese fleet ”Тонбури” has sunk became the culmination. On one of Chang's continental beaches the museum with an exposition telling about history of navy fleet of Thailand has been erected. At top of a building of a museum the statue of the prince Chumponsky – the founder and the leader of Thai fleet at the moment of solving fight near island Chang is located. Its look is turned on island, and every year during the period from January, 17 till January, 21st local residents spend ceremonies at a monument, starting up in the sea wreaths to memory of those who remained in its abysses. The sunk ship around a bay of Sprats-pet became a popular place for fans of underwater immersings.
In the north of island there is a chapel constructed in the Chinese style, the input in which is protected by two huge elephants. Here there lives the owner and the defender of island and all its inhabitants. When the nature brought down monsoons on island or deprived of a crop, local residents came here to find protection. The local folklore stores mysterious legends how prays of islanders found a response.
The mountainous island is covered by tropical wood with untouched fauna of set of kinds among which macaques, deer, wild boars, and also more than 70 kinds of birds live on island hillsides. In 1982 Chang and nearby islands to it have been united in sea national park that greatest possible to keep the rich nature of this edge. The island is on the extremity of Thai sea possession that has made its such secluded and silent. Possibility to have a rest on the crystal-clear beaches is given to you, all western coast of island is covered by gentle white sand.
All beaches and sights of island are at the western coast. Tourism began to develop here since 70th years. Tourism here local families which built a bungalow in the form of a triangle on the bank of Klong Phrao at that time operated. But from the beginning of 90th years hotel service and steel service along with such resorts as island Самуи and island Пукет.The most good period for tourism is October-May. In the rest of the time of year on island strong monsoonal rains and storm.
How to reach
By the car: from Bangkok in Expenditure there are 2 routes.
Шоссе№3 – The longest route (385 km), through Chon Buri-Pattajja-Rajong and Чантабури.
The shortest route on Highway № 344 (315 km) through Chon Buri-Klang-Chantaburi.
By the bus: comfortable buses with conditioners go from East Bus Station of Bangkok (Ekamai) and движутся on road Sukhumvit, each 30 minutes go daily from 05:00 till. A fare 189 бат-if to go on the express train without stops, or by buses which stop in settlements for 147 бат. Time in a way of 5-6 hours.
Road from Expenditure for Ko Chang
Moving from Expenditure for Ko Chang not the heavy. It is possible to embus, which goes from Expenditure to Llamas Ноп (Laem Ngop) - places from which the ferry sails. The ticket costs 20 бат. The ferry from Llamas Ноп (Laem Ngop) floats to Ko Chang from 30 minutes.
Also still there are two piers in Таммачат (Tammachat). One of piers has ferries on which vehicles with tourists call in. The fare "there-back" makes for a vehicle 150 бат (for the driver free of charge) and 60 бат for the passenger.
From other pier the boats calculated only on passengers go. Journey "there-back" стоит100 бат. The pier on Ko Chang is on distance of 5 km from the island centre. It also is calculated on passengers with a vehicle. An operating time of a pier from 07:00 till.
The third, basic pier is on distance of 15 km from other piers. Ferries from it float from 07:00 till.
It is possible to reach to Ko Chang also if to rent a motorcycle (400бат in day) or from Pattaya on a minibus. They go at 07:00 daily. Journey "there-back" costs nearby 2800 бат for a minibus.
Island Ko Chang offers all kinds of placing. From simple tents to luxurious hotels. All depends on money and taste. High-quality rest is on coast Saj Кау (Sai Kaew).Тут is both hotels and tent camp. The prices vary from 300 бат to 7000 бат.
Rest on Кай Баи (Kai Bae) will manage from 300 бат to 3000 бат. The best place to look at a magnificent decline is in Лаим Чайчете (Laem Chaiyachet), at coast Klong of Fao (Klong Phrao).
Here the prices for placing vary from 1400 бат to 3500 бат.
Beautiful corals it is possible to see in gulf Клонг the Dream (Klong Son Bay). The prices for residing here from 8000 бат to 26000 бат.
You also can take pleasure in walks on tropical wood or coconut планктациям in Сай Йо (Long Sands beach).Стоимость on placing here from 100 бат to 1000 бат.
Memorial Юттанави (Yuttanawee) on Лаим Ноп (Laem Ngop) is in the south of island. It is monument Кром Луанг Чумпон of Siberian salmons Удомсак (Krom Luang Chumpon Knet Udomsak) to the-founder of sea transport Тайланда and a naval museum where there is an exhibition devoted to war between Тайландом and France. Military events occurred on an eastern frontier on January, 17th, 1941 near to Ko Chang.