Church Oleviste. Estonia

Church Oleviste

Church Oleviste Church Oleviste – the highest construction in medieval Europe. The first mentions of this church constructed in Gothic style, concern 1267. About an exact times when it has really been erected and has started to operate, a little that is known to us, however, according to historians, on this place – a trading court yard of the Scandinavian merchants - the church stood in XII century.

Church Oleviste is obliged by the name to Norwegian king Olavu II Харальдсону. Besides sacred Олав it was esteemed as the patron of seafarers.

On a boundary of XVI century height Олевисте reached 159 m that has allowed it then to be the highest construction in the world. The church spike which has shot up to the sky was visible from apart and served as a fine reference point for seafarers. However so impressing height concealed in itself and serious danger: eight times church amazed lightning strokes, and three times during its thunder-storm covered a destructive fire. Under the data which have reached us, the fiery glow was visible even from the Finnish coast.

About one interesting fact connected with history of church, mentions known хронист Балтазар Руссов. In 1547 to Tallinn there have arrived rope-walkers. They have pulled between tower Олевисте and a city wall the long rope and, to great amazement of townspeople, began to make on it dizzy tricks.

As the legend … says

In old times for attraction to Tallinn there are more than merchants, fathers of a city have decided to construct the highest in the world church. But where to find the master who would undertake so uneasy business? And here it is not known whence there was a stranger of high growth who has promised to construct such church.

All anything, but it for the work has requested so much gold, how many in all Tallinn not to find... Then the mysterious master has offered the following: he has agreed to construct church free of charge, but only under one condition - if townspeople will guess his name. The stranger built quickly and to anybody did not talk. When building began to come to an end, fathers of a city have outright taken alarm and have decided to send the spy that that has found out a name of the stranger. The spy has quickly found the house of the builder, has waited evenings and, having crept to a window, has heard, as mother sang, singing lullabies to the child: «Sleep, my kid, fall asleep. Soon Олев will come back home, with full of gold сумой». So таллинцы have learnt a name of the mysterious stranger.

The legend also says, that when the builder stood on the top of a church spike and established a cross, someone from townspeople has called to him: «Олев, you hear, Олев, and the cross at you was lop-sided!» Having heard the name, Олев from unexpectedness has lost balance, has failed from height down to the ground and has broken to death. And here townspeople have seen, how at it from a mouth the frog has jumped out, and after it the snake has crept out... Leaves, has not managed here without the aid of dark forces. But church nevertheless named in honour of its mysterious builder.

Church Oleviste tower

Church Oleviste has been constructed in XIII century and long time was considered as the highest construction in the world. And today its spike which has risen on 124 m, looks rather впечатляюще, and the church became one of symbols of Tallinn. In summertime you can make a dizzy ascension on a spiral staircase on a viewing platform of a church tower and admire ancient Tallinn.


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