Альказар, the Palace of the Prince. Dominican republic

Альказар, the Palace of the Prince

In several metres from house Гордона Альказар де Colon or the Palace of the Prince, which Don Дьего Colon is majestic towers has ordered to build as personal residence. Works on стоительству have begun in 1510 under the guidance of the Spanish architects brought specially for this building. Building was conducted by forces of 1,500 natives. For construction of this monument the elementary tools were used only: saws, chisels and hammers. In architectural style of this magnificent private residence - mixture of a gothic style-mudehara, Spanish and the Italian revival. At building any nail has not been used, in one of 22 rooms, 72 doors and windows who still spin on hinges and are closed by huge thick bolts from the mahogany, fixed in its thick walls.

In this palace two other daughters of crowned pair were born Juan and Изабель. In a chapel which has remained in an original form, have been married in 1517 Энрикийо and Менсия.

Probably, you never heard about Энрикийо. For Dominicans Энрикийо - a symbol of struggle against injustice. Its biography is fascinating also one of our novelists, Мануэль де Jesus Galvan, tells its history in the novel with the same name. It is possible to speak about it much, but we will be limited only to that in 1533 onboard the Imperial Ship there has arrived Captain Fransisko де Баррионуево with two hundreds soldiers and with the first Contract of the World fixed in history between Old Continent and New Light, signed by Carlos V. The document addressed to Энрикийо declared slavery cancellation. The restrained Indian who has got now confidence and respect for and has realised greatness of the race, has signed and has set up on a head this document as a sign of approval and has immediately ordered to the fellow tribesmen to go down from mountains Baoruko to observe the Contract.

The walls which have remained to our time - mute witnesses of intrigues, pleasures and sufferings whom descendants of the Admiral of Don Christopher Columbus worried in a current more than seventy seven years.

In Альказаре the first Spanish court yard in New Light and Vice-kingdom tribunal took places. From here corrected New Light, strategy of a gain here was developed and expeditions which have opened were financed and colonized Guatemala, Cuba, Peru, Mexico, Florida, Puerto Rico, Colombia and Jamaica. The palace has been restored in 1955. The Spanish architect Haver Barroso supervised over work.

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