Royal Shipyards. Dominican republic

Royal Shipyards

All colour of architecture XV and and former magnificence of structures Лас Реалес is reflected XVI centuries in Атаразанасе (Royal Shipyards). The narrow street which hardly separates them from Альказара, opens to the visitor possibility to be transferred during an epoch of the events connected with Opening of America.

And it seems, that because of the big rough vigilantly protected sun blind, having covered the person a wide fan, the lady dressed on a fashion of that time will look out to greet the glorified citizens who have based in this city the first Spanish court yard in America.

Opposite to a wall restored in the XX-th century, - a majestic monument of XVI century, a building constructed completely from a brick. In it there was an ancient House of Contracting and the first Customs of New Light. Royal Shipyards represent unique construction in America. In Europe the Royal Shipyards of Barcelona considered also as an architectural pearl каталанского of port can be compared to them only. Separate buildings of Shipyards are connected among themselves by internal court yard. Now in them art halls, gift shops, restaurants and Management of Fund of the Cultural heritage together with the Vice-kingdom Museum where works of art and historical documents among which there are originals of documents of the historical importance, Spain Фердинандо signed by Catholic Kings and Исабэль are exposed take places.

Having passed through gate, we leave on a platform adjoining to that place at which Christopher Columbus on the second travel to New Light has moored the caravel.

From here it is possible to see «Faro a Colon» (Columbus's Beacon), a monument where Columbus's remains are based. Certainly, it is the most significant monument constructed, in honour of memory морехода.

On east coast of the river Ozama it is possible to see Chapel Розарио which is the most ancient church of the city, constructed approximately in 1496 when the city which later has received a name New Изабэла has been based on other coast of the river. There is an acknowledgement, that in 1544 Monk Bartolome де лас Касас has made in this chapel a mass благословления colonisations of Guatemala.

Rising along the street with craft benches, we leave on street Isabel ла the Catholic (the former Street of Trade). Having curtailed into the right party, we will stop before the only thing in a city ensemble of church and a colonial fortress. The church and the Fortress Sacred Barbarians are constructed on a stone quarry place in which the material for building almost all above the described monuments and the walls of a colonial city definitively constructed in 1574 has been extracted. In this church there was крещен Juan Pablo Duarte, the father-founder of our independent native land.

In a shade of trees of a colonial city it is possible to have a rest then to continue walk, this time along the street Archbishop Merino where we can see the Mint and the Monastery of San Francisco which is especially majestic looked from crossing of streets Del-Monte and Техада. In this monastery it was trained secrets Гуарокуйа, received in Christianity name Энрикийо.

Further along the street Archbishop Merino, having turned on Луперон, you will find the Dignity Nicolas де Барии, the First Hospital of New Light constructed in 1503 which has kept the majestic architectural forms centuries later.

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