Columbus's remains |
Christopher Columbus has died in Valladolid on May, 20th, 1506. On its tomb King Ferdinando has ordered to trace «To Castile and to Leon Columbus has given New Light».
Christopher Columbus's remains were in Seville until Madam Maria де Toledo has not transferred them together with remains of her husband of Don Dego Columbus on island Ispanola where he wished to be buried. Their remains have been buried in the main altar of the Cathedral.
In 1586 when the city of Santo-Domingo has been grasped by the corsair Sir Fransisom Drejkom, the Bishop of the Cathedral has ordered to erase inscriptions on plates, which identified tombs to prevent plunder of these tombs.
In 1795 when France under the Contract of Basel has received east part of island Ispanola, the Cuba which has remained under control of Spain, has demanded an urn with Christopher Columbus's ashes as «ashes should be in territory of Spain». The commission which should take away remains goes To Santo-Domingo. Knowing, that they were in the main altar of the Cathedral, the commission has withdrawn the first urn in which, on their belief, ashes of the Admiral contained from an altar.
In 1877 when restoration works in the Cathedral have begun, a huge surprise for Father Fransisko Ksaver Bilini, has appeared that on September, 10th he has found out in an altar a vase from lead with an inscription: «the Known person Don Christopher Columbus, the First Admiral of America». This engraving has been made in Valladolid when remains have been moved to chapel Santa-Marija де лас Куэвас, in Seville where have been exposed on a general review.
This event is described in work «Columbus's Remains» by Don Эмилиано Техада, the outstanding Dominican historian. According to its records, in the Cathedral the Office, a diplomatic corps, the church, civil and military authorities have been called, and in the presence of all examination of remains has been made and authenticity of an urn and its contents is notarially assured.
Dear Canon Fransisko Ksaver Bilini has opened an urn and has shown to public remains. He has loudly read inscriptions which confirmed in the conclusive form, that ashes are «the valid remains of the known Genoese, the Admiral, Don Christopher Columbus, the Pioneer of America».
That hour from the area has rung out salute in from 21 guns. The peal and chords of a military orchestra was distributed declared to citizens this happy event.
In 1992 an urn with ashes and the Mausoleum in which it was, have been moved to Columbus's Beacon - the grandiose monument constructed in the XX-th century, that почтить memory of the Pioneer of America, Christopher Columbus. There remains of the Great Admiral nowadays are based, and also the constant exhibition where materials about history and culture of the Latin American countries are presented, Spain and many other things the states of the world which you can visit is equipped.