Katmandu - Nepal. The information on Katmandu - sights and museums of Katmandu. Rest in Katmandu. Hotels and hotels of Katmandu


KatmanduThe city of Katmandu with the population of 850 thousand (2005) is the historical, economic, political and cultural centre of Nepal and a valley of Katmandu. Co-ordinates: 27°43? With. ш. 85°22? Century д. (G).

Valley of Katmandu in height about 1300 m — a mountain valley and the historical area of Nepal well-known неварскими for cities of Katmandu, Lalitpur (Patan), Bhaktapur, Киртипур, Панаути and numerous monasteries, the temple centres and cultural monuments.

The shape of capital has remained with XVII—XVIII centuries when the valley of Katmandu was actively built up during board of kings of a dynasty of Mull.

In a city there is a set буддистских and индуистских temples from mortar Боднатх to tiny street altars within the precincts of houses. Local residents speak that in the Valley of Katmandu lives 10 million Gods.

In Katmandu there is also the live Goddess who has appeared in XVIII century and реинкарнирующаяся like Buddhist тулку. Her name is Кумари, also she lives in a palace on Area Дурбар. Кумари is the girl personifying the higher degree of cleanliness and innocence.

To describe all sights of Katmandu and its valley, there will be no also a book in the thickness about "War and peace", therefore name only the most known:

Royal palace and area Дурбар in Katmandu. Here there is "house-museum" of king Mahendry, and all interested persons can admire its three-sleeping bed and a photo of the monarch with two his wives. Also here many interesting household bagatelles. The palace outside looks simply perfectly well!

Royal palace and the area in the city of Patan.

Royal palace and the area in the city of Bhaktapur.

Bhaktapur and Patan were in due time capitals of small princedoms, and their governors competed in luxury and architecture with the governor of Katmandu. Therefore and these small towns represent the big interest for travellers as the distance from Katmandu to them is absolutely insignificant. Royal palaces have intricate forms and are generously decorated surprising beauty by woodcarving. She can be examined very long, being surprised with variety of plots among which meet also frankly eroticheski-comic.

In Nepal in general, and in Katmandu in particular, you will meet set of so-called "mortars". These are the cult constructions storing sacred relics. Literally from a Sanskrit "mortar" it is translated as «a heap of stones». The most known in Katmandu – Боудданатх and Сваямбунатх.

Пашупатинатхиндуистский the temple complex located on the bank of the river Bagmati. Here it is possible to meet set «садху» - wandering admirers Шивы. In a temple do not start up anybody except Hindus. Here there pass funeral ceremonies (cremation) of which tourists can observe.

In a valley of Katmandu you can buy set of fine souvenirs of the present manual work. In particular, it is traditional painting weld on, knifes, jewels, bronze moulding (it the city of Patan is nice), woodcarving and carpets. The auction is pertinent, but strongly to bring down the price for the present things it will not turn out. Cheap souvenirs of bad quality to buy it is not necessary.

The kitchen of Nepal has a strongly pronounced vegetarian orientation though in cities meat to you in the menu will offer. Cows are sacred animals, therefore on a beefsteak to count it is not necessary. Degree of a sharpness of dishes can be regulated during the order. In Katmandu there are also European cuisine restaurants, and even Baskin Robbins.

If you buy in the street fruit, choose that have a peel is better. Drinking water and cleanings of a teeth buy only in bottles.

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