Bhaktapur |
Bhaktapur (Bhaktapur, carries also name Бхадгаон and Кхвопа) — ancient неварский a city to the east from Katmandu, Nepal possessing a large quantity of outstanding architectural monuments. Co-ordinates: 27°67? With. ш. 85°43? Century д.
From ancient times Bhaktapur is known as a city on road between Tibet and India. Being on big караванном ways, the city grew rich, every autumn тибетцы came with flocks of sheep by holidays ' Дассайн ' when practically all Nepaleses gave animals to a victim to blood-thirsty goddess Durga. On a return way тибетцы carried sugar, grain and other goods. The riches of Bhaktapur were reflected in a cultural life — in a city many temples, especially in style of pagodas.
Blossoming of Bhaktapur is necessary on XVI—XVIII centuries during time неварской to a dynasty of Mull. The city is well-known неварскими for artists, school of drawing of the Tibetan tank, architecture and crafts. In the end of the XX-th century under the German project the city has been sanified, numerous architectural monuments are taken under protection and реставрированы.
Area Дурбар with a considerable quantity of outstanding temples and pagodas;
Royal palace, court yard with goddess Kumari, gallery of arts;
Площаль Таумадхи Roofing felt with pagodas;
Area Тачупал Roofing felt with several significant temples and a pond;
Complex on the river to the river Hanumante, including кумирни Shivy-Parvati and Ханумана;
Pond It is nude Похари;
Many separately standing temples and pagodas.