Tibet |
For anybody not a secret, that incomprehensible and mysterious Tibet was the most remote parts of the world. Not so much severe climatic conditions of high mountains and natural disconnexion of this region, how many the politician of governors of Tibet forbidding access here to foreigners were the reason of it. The region is not become more accessible and in the XX-th century. The long and bloody conflict between supporters of independence of Tibet and official Beijing did impossible travel on this edge.
Tibet long was a prohibited zone for tourists and has opened for visiting only in 1984. Now Tibet is independent area Peoples Republic of China, its area makes 1,22 million sq. km, and a population – about 2,5 million persons, the majority from which тибетцы. Such large rivers, as Янцзы, Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra here originate. The largest cities — Lhasa, Гьянтзе, Шигатзе, Тингри.
Lhasa (Lhasa height 3658) - an administrative centre of Tibet. The city is based in 7 century by king Songsenom Gampo. There were some periods when Tibet corrected from Lhasa. Since 17 centuries when the country began to operate Далай Llamas, Lhasa definitively to become capital. Till 1959 in a city there lived nearby 10000 persons, still approximately as much monks lived in monasteries Дрепунг and Sulfur. Today, as other cities of Tibet, Lhasa is divided on two parts.
It is a small old city - monasteries and the palaces decorated with brightly painted carving and gilding, hotels, cosy small restaurants, markets, both uncountable pilgrims, and new Chinese quarters from glass and concrete. Much in old Lhasa has suffered in days of a cultural revolution, but something is restored. The basic restoration works were spent in 1984-86.
Palace Потала - the most known building in Tibet. It тринадцатиэтажное the building consisting more than from thousand of different premises, has been constructed of the earth, a stone and a tree, by means of the bare means. The present shape a palace - a monastery has found in 17 century, and till 50th years of the twentieth century the palace remained residence Dalaj of Llamas - the Supreme governors of Tibet.