Guangzhou - China. The information on Guangzhou - sights and museums of Guangzhou. Rest in Guangzhou. Hotels and hotels of Guangzhou


ГуанжоуGuangzhou — surprising and fine capital of a southeast province Guangdong, the largest industrial centre in the south of China. In a city there are the ship-building shipyards, two tractor factories, factory of heavy mechanical engineering, the enterprise chemical and the food-processing industry. Today Гуанжоу again became an open city as it already was in first half XIX centuries. He sends the goods of local manufacture to Hong Kong, ignoring severe Beijing, and conducts a feverish and cheerful way of life.

Vicinities Гуанжоу are rather picturesque. From the mountain which are in the northeast, the magnificent panorama of a city opens. In hilly northern part park Juesjuj where, except stadium and pool, greenhouses are located, pavilions and tea small houses is broken.

To admire neighbouring kinds it is possible from height of the five-floor patrol tower erected on a hill in the beginning of an epoch of Minute Now in a tower the Historical museum.

Opposite to a front entrance in park Juesjuj two largest hotels and exhibition pavilions where buyers and suppliers of the goods from all China twice a year gather are constructed.

Cовсем the garden of Orchids nearby was stretched. Here on the area of 8 hectares in an environment of rocks and artificial falls it is landed in pots more than 100 kinds of orchids. And in 20 km from Гуанжоу there is one of the largest and the richest in China botanical gardens — the ideal place for dreaming to appear in the present jungle.

In city centre, in cosy quarter of the beginning of the century one of the most ancient temples in region — temple Гуансяо reconstructed in III century from the former official office is located. In a temple it is established over 900 niches with statues of the Buddha. Some structures from which are most known a pagoda of Buried Hair (here in deep niches are stored in a complex graceful figurines of the Buddha).



The house “Чжэньхайлоу»

House Чжэньхайлоу (sea suppression) – one of architectural emblems of a city, is at mountain Juesju top. The house has been constructed in 13th year of board of Minsk emperor Hunu (1380г.). The house its height of 28 metres has five floors (for what in the people it name also "house-pjatietazhka"). The eaves of a roof crowning each floor, are covered глазурной by a tile, two ground floors are surrounded by a wall combined from a red stone. The historical documents classified on dynasties are stored in the house – witnesses more than 2000-year-old history of Guangzhou. Before a house facade there passes gallery in which stand stone стелы with inscriptions of different epoch. In days of dynasty Цинн this house became one of 8 main sights of a city. After clearing the house has been transformed into Guanchzhousky museum of local lore.

Park Juesju

Park Juesju – the biggest city park of Guangzhou, it is on a grief Juesju, occupies the space of 8600 sq. metres. In park there is a set of beautiful landscape corners, ancient and modern cultural monuments. Here there is a city emblem – sculptural group of Five goats.

Memorial palace Put Ятсена

Memorial palace Put Ятсена is in the street Дуфенлу, on a southern spur of mountain Juesjushan. Has been constructed in 1931 of ferro-concrete, the palace ensemble is occupied by the space of 60 thousand sq. metres, height of a building of 49 metres. The palace differs the thought over lay-out and magnificent furnish and it is considered an architectural masterpiece. In 1963 in a palace major repairs have been made, before a building facade the bronze monument has been restored Put Ятсену.

Mountain Bajjun

Mountain Bajjun - one of the most known landscape areas Guangzhous. The main peak – Мосинлин the most part of year is surrounded by clouds. On mountain spurs the South Chinese botanical garden of tropical plants is broken. Nearby there is tower Минчжоу, кумирня Нэнжэньсы, a source of Nine dragons. The mountain Bajjun is remarkable still that the rope-way which is on the first place in China on number of transported passengers here is equipped. The top station of road is at mountain top. And bottom to the east of Garden Юньтай. From rope-way height the wonderful kind on a city and окресности opens.

Family кумирня families Чэнь

Кумирня clan Чэнь is in 7th street Chzhunshan. It represents a family temple of sort Чэнь which members live Guangdong in 72 districts of a province. In the architectural relation кумирня is a typical construction древнекитайского style of Southern China. Registration of buildings differs high artistry, in it details and elements of a decorative ornament of the buildings, occurring in olden time are concentrated. The beginning of building family кумирни Чэнь concerns 1890. The complex consists of three numbers of court yard, in each court yard on three rooms, only 9 rooms and 6 separate court yard. The general building area makes 10 thousand sq. metres. In China the similar sort of family temples has remained not too a lot of, therefore Temple Чэнь is carried to protected cultural-architectural monuments всекитайского values. Today the Museum of a national applied art here has settled down.

Temple Гуансяосы

Temple Гуансяосы is in the street Гуансяо, this one of the most ancient architectural monuments of Guangzhou is a monument of nation-wide value. Has been constructed as residence наньеского the tsar (the governor of Guangdong in days of Western Хань) Чжао Цзяньдэ. In 1151 has been named by Temple Гуансяосы. The temple complex differs splendour and magnificence, pavilion Dasjunbaotszjan – the only thing in Southern China the remained architectural construction executed in style Tan-Sunskogo of the period, towering on east and western parties iron pagodas represent the most ancient and perfectly remained of the iron pagodas which have reached up to now. Besides in a monastery there is bell Дабэйчжун, a tower of the sleeping Buddha, pavilion of six generations of ancestors, a bronze statue of the Buddha.

Garden Юньтай

Garden-manor Юньтай where the set of ornamental plants and tiny landscapes is collected, is on spur Саньтайлин in a place where the ascension route on mountain Bajjunshan begins. Garden Юньтай occupies the space of 120 thousand sq. metres, it is broken in style of the South Chinese manors occurring to the south from range Цинлиня, but simultaneously builders of a garden borrowed elements of the western garden building, for example, in a garden there is a glazed greenhouse and a pond. It does garden Юньтай by special sight of Guangzhou. Walk on a garden on a nature bosom where the silence and rest reign, brings to the visitor the big pleasure.

Huanansky botanical garden

The Huanansky botanical garden located near of cave Лунъянь in northeast suburb Guangzhou, occupies territory 3 is lovely. Sq. m. This garden is one of 4 botanical gardens of Academy of sciences of China. In a garden it is collected more than 4 thousand kinds of plants, mainly subtropical and tropical. In a garden scientific work on культивированию wild plants is conducted, and also scientific knowledge on botany is popularised.

Guanchzhousky oceanarium

The Guanchzhousky oceanarium unites variety of functions: serves tourists, gives a place of useful carrying out of leisure, promotes popularisation of scientific knowledge and conducts research work. In an oceanarium it is collected more than 10 thousand names of 200 kinds of sea animals, among which a lot of valuable and rare species. In an oceanarium there is a subbottom tunnel, a circular survey corridor, section spark, a hall of performances of the tamed animals, pavilion of seals, an aquarium of decorative fishes and so forth

Sjantszjansky natural zoo

The Sjantszjansky natural zoo is in settlement Dashichzhen village Litsun in vicinities of the city of Panju. In a zoo on an ox 400 kinds animal – approximately 20 thousand individuals, including rare and valuable kinds contain. The animals conducting a gregarious way of life prevail. Employees of park conduct work on leaving, reproduction and studying of habits of animals naturally. In park there is a zone of excursions by the car, a zone of the pedestrian excursions, parking for паркования cars, a zone of office accommodations, a zone an insulator of animals and a zone of cultivation of forage crops.

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