Санья - China. The information about Санья - sights and museums Санья. Rest in Санья. Hotels and hotels Sanja


СаньяThe city of Sanja is in the south of island Hainan on the bank of South China sea, at width of the Hawaiian Islands. Climate Санья the tropical. Average annual temperature of air +25. Here there is no winter. Air very pure as on Hainan there are no industrial enterprises. On the ecological indicators the tourist zone of Санья wins first place in the Peoples Republic of China, the second place in the world. Average life expectancy on Санья – 72 years, is the highest indicator in China.

Magnificent beaches, hotels of a world class, abundance of seafood and tropical fruit involve in Санья set of tourists. The city of Sanja is famous for the festivals: the international festival of weddings, a longevity holiday in a temple Nan Shan, всекитайский competition of models, whether a holiday of nationalities and мяо.
On Санья a considerable quantity national фолклорных villages which with pleasure are visited by tourists. Whether a nationality – the most ancient inhabitants of Hainan. Their dwellings, the ethnic cuisine, clothes, wedding ceremonies and holidays reflect unique culture. In food they traditionally use rice which prepare in a bamboo. Whether do vodka of sticky fig. Clothes sew from домотканной fabrics, women like to carry colour scarfs, the big hats on heads. Clothes decorate bowls, corals, pearls, copper jingles.

Sightseeing tour on the city of Sanja
Park visiting “Лу Хуэй Тоу”, “Mountain of the Turned back Deer”, whether sacred place of a nationality. Excursion on a city and in “the Pearls Valley”.
Excursion in park Tjan I Find fault Цзяо with "World's end" (18 km)
Whether visiting of ethnographic village of nationalities and мяо, participation in a wedding ceremony, whether survey of a museum of ethnography of nationalities and мяо, the unique natural park of stones included in the list of the most known sights of China.
Excursion in the Oceanarium (20 km)
Acquaintance to a rich collection of live sea inhabitants Южно:Китайского of the tropical sea, interesting collection of birds. Visiting of nursery of crocodiles.
Excursion to Island of Monkeys (80 km)
Visiting of reserved island of monkeys. Acquaintance to a life of "the sea people” – the name of the people living in джонках on water. Driving on a catamaran.
Excursion in park “Miracles of the sea and mountains” and the Buddhism Center (50 km)
Park visiting “Miracles of the sea and mountains” and the Center of the Buddhism, sacred for a hell

ептов the Buddhism of the places located among freakish stone sculptures, created by the nature, a monument to monks-Buddhists, буддистского a temple and the unique Center of world culture of the only thing in the world of the tourist complex corresponding to international ecological standards ISO 40001. Visiting of a temple with the biggest in Asia a gold statue of the Buddha of mercy – Гуаньин (gold, a nephrite).
Excursion in Gorge of Butterflies and the Museum of bowls (30 km)
Unique and unique on island Hainan паркзаповедник with a collection of the live butterflies collected in the south of China, and also delivered from the countries of South East Asia, Africa and the South America. A museum of bowls of the tropical seas – the largest in China.
With travel to the underwater world of a bay Da Donne Find fault South China sea
Sea walk on a submarine on a bay Da Donne Find fault. The freakish world of tropical coral reeves.
Excursion in a valley of radonic sources Син of the Moon (115 km)
Acceptance of radonic baths, bathing in radonic pools, visiting of plantations of coffee in valley Син of the Moon, tasting of coffee, elite grades of tea with traditional хайнаньскими sweets, visiting of a botanical garden of tropical plants.
Excursion to hot sources Нань Тянь (30 km)
Bathing in pools with water from thermal kalievo-natrievyh sources. Tasting of elite grades of tea.
Mountain excursion in the city of Tunchzha (87 km)
Visiting of picturesque gorge with the falls, included in number of the most beautiful places of an island Hainan, ethnographic museum of local lore.
Excursion to mountain Mao Tszeduna (70 km)
Живописнейшие natural mountain landscapes of a southern part of island. Visiting of a memorial and кумирни Mao, a specific platform on mountain Mao Tsze дуна.
Excursions to island “Club of tourists” (45 km)
Club system. Uninhabited island in the past, transformed into paradise for tourists.

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