Dalian |
Dalian is a seaport, located on a southern ledge of Liaotung peninsula and the Yellow sea surrounded from three parties. It is port with parks, beaches and simultaneously the city of the surprising past which has kept in an originality of centuries-old Chinese culture in a close interlacing with features of Russian and Japanese cultures. Dalian is a notorious port Arthur, a place of fights of the Russian-Japanese war. Now Dalian are Japanese gate on the Euroasian continent, one of 14 of "free economic zones" China why it and began to name "northern Гонгконгом".
However, tourists to Dalian are attracted not with numerous shops and not exotic like the name of the main prospectus Stalin Lu, and a beach strip. Dalian - the international centre of sea rest and курортно - sanatorium treatment. Dalian is a seaport, located on a southern ledge of Liaotung peninsula and the sea surrounded from three parties. The sea coast of Dalian twisting also has extent of 989 km. The picturesque port nearby is located. Dalian involves tourists with beautiful beaches and pleasant parks. It is one of the best resorts of Northern China.
The most popular resort place - island Bachuj which is in 5 km to the south from Dalian. And also a resort zone of the state level - Цзиньшитани. In it to "a green zone" there is a known golf club, in "the White centre" - club of winter hunting, in "Blue" - international yachts club and set of water entertainments. And "the Pink garden" name underwater reeves where any diver will be convinced, that underwater reeves of is really gentle-pink and beige colour.
In a world history Dalian is known as Russian city Distant. In second half ХIX century Chineses have constructed on a peninsula plait sea base (Port - Arthur). The port has been equipped for parking of the military ships and as directly it is connected to Russia the railway (Distant - Irkutsk). Heroic defence Arthur's Port - became an appreciable mark in history of Russia. Dalian which is in 1500 km from Tokyo, remains for Japanese the main collars on the Euroasian continent. Powerful economic expansion of Japan is visible with open years: indexes, signboards, advertising and even names of bus stops are often duplicated on-japonski.
The sea coast of Dalian twisting also has extent of 989 km. The picturesque port nearby is located. Dalian involves tourists with beautiful beaches and pleasant parks. It is one of the best resorts of Northern China.
Climate sea, with soft winters. The hottest month - August with average temperature + 24С. Average temperature of January - 4С. From June till October water temperature + 20С. The industrial city-port is on the peninsula Ljaondun washed by waters of Yellow sea and Бохайваньскго of a gulf. Dalian - a prospering city with pure green streets that you will not tell about many other things cities of China, it is famous for numerous shops and the shops hammered by the various goods.
Central - the round area in a frame of the buildings mostly constructed by Japanese: the monumental town hall, a building of bank of China, hotel "Dalian" … From the area disperse the wide streets, one of the main things is street Sidalin Lu (Stalin's street). Stalin's street conducts to a sea mooring and the International club of Seamen. The museum of the sea nature is located in the building of the former mayoralty constructed by Russian in 1900 in characteristic style for Northern Europe. Under the project of the Khabarovsk architects in 2000 the ancient shape of "Russian street" has been recreated. The international club of seamen offers some restaurants and banquet halls on the second floor. It is possible to drink simply beer in a bar. In a southwest part of a city beautiful parks and sea beaches are located. The road Tridtsatikilometrovaja ("Seaside road") is twisted by a streamer on picturesque hills, coming nearer to seacoast, keeping away from it. It connects numerous beaches of island Banchuj, park of Tigers, village Lu and park of Starfishes.
Island Banchuj - a resort place in 5 km to the south from Dalian. The long beach of white sand interrupts at bottom of hills. It is the smartest beach of Dalian.
Park Tigers (park "Лаохутань") - галечный a beach at gulf coast in 7,2км from city centre. The area of park of 110 hectares. The seacoast is adjoined by beautiful park in which there is a pavilion of Hundred Tigers and the Seal lake. On a beach there is a small mooring: from here it is possible to make small excursion by a boat and to admire coast and island Banchuj from the sea. On a place various souvenirs are on sale. At restaurant submit the freshest gifts of the sea and fish dishes. Further on road between two rocky rocks the charming sandy beach which is in territory Тигрового of a gulf was sheltered.
In 1991 the Park of Birds (here is more than 1000 kinds of birds) has been opened. Park "Синхай" became a resort place since 1909. In 1950 it is renamed into park "Синхай" that means "the sea of meteorites". In park there are rest zones, small town of attractions, a sea beach, pool, the sea world - an oceanarium, fountains, the big variety of colours and trees. Near to park "Синхай" there is an area "Синхай", earlier suburb, have constructed in honour of reunion with Hong Kong. In the same place set of attractions, show of crocodiles.