Tsingtao - China. The information on Tsingtao - sights and museums of Tsingtao. Rest in Tsingtao. Hotels and hotels of Tsingtao


Циньдао The resort of Tsingtao reminded earlier the Bavarian small town on the bank of Yellow sea - with red tile roofs, the European streets and gardens. Many attempts to modernise Tsingtao are now undertaken. German atmosphere is not casual - in 1898 China has transferred a city of Germany for 99 years together with the right to build the railway and to develop mineral deposits in 15 km on either side of from road. The city has grown on coal and sea base, немцыы have spent here электричесвто and have opened University.

Further, the truth, destiny of Tsingtao became more freakish: the city some times passed from hands in hands - from Japanese to revolutionary China, then again to Japanese, then to гоминьдановскому to China, then again to revolutionary China. German traditions have remained in brewing: Tsingtao - the largest brewing centre of the country. The name of Tsingtao means "Green island" - the coast really represents the present big city garden with the former German private residences.

Along coast it was stretched six beaches with small white sand. The swimming season lasts from June till September when beaches are overflowed. Colour of water resembles well-known циндаосское beer. Beaches are fenced, and there are booths for disguise. Any round in Tsingtao does not do without brewery visiting (Qingdao Pijiuchang), to the east from the main port. It is said that here cook the best beer of Asia. Water take from sources of nearby mountain Laoshan. Beer Цингтао (Tsingtao - an old pronunciation of Tsingtao) is on sale across all China, here, on the native land, it too it is possible to try.

In 40 km to the east from Tsingtao is Лаошань - hills the area 400 sq. km, the maximum height of 1133 m above sea level, an ideal place for треккинга, walks, ascensions. The mountain abounds with historical sights and picturesque places. On all country the mountain is well-known for the mineral sources. Daossky monastery-palace Тайцин (Taiqing) also is one of the main treasures of mountain. Tracks on top Лаошаня from here leave. At once to the north from a palace the area of numerous mountain streams, sources and falls begins. Every morning from station Tsingtao to palace Тайцин the bus goes.

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