Куала Lumpur - Malaysia. The information about Куала Lumpur - sights and museums Куала Lumpur. Rest in Куала Lumpur. Hotels and hotels Kuala Lumpur

Куала Lumpur

Kuala LumpurКуала Lumpur, or it is simple Кей Эл as its Malayans in abbreviated form name, it is located in a southwest part of Malay peninsula, in the picturesque valley surrounded with mountains. This ultramodern megacity stretched on the area more of 245 square kilometres, is the centre of an economic and political life new "the Asian tiger". The city silhouette was transformed beyond recognition literally for a decade, and among sedate buildings of a colonial epoch tens strange vast objects have grown from glass and concrete.

Now here live almost one and a half million person, and go three million cars. Planes fly to Kuala Lumpur more than 30 airlines, and because of enormous loading from which the old airport did not consult, in 98 year even it was necessary to construct the new: the whole city with set of lifts, escalators, the automatic underground without the machinist. However, despite all present of motorways, unknown height of skyscrapers and millions tourists, Kuala Lumpur in many respects and remained a provincial Asian city where technical achievements of the West and mysterious mysticism of the East have inexplicably incorporated. The history of Kuala Lumpur has begun with tin. 140 years ago Kuala Lumpur was that means its name in transfer from the Malayan: " Dirty river mouth ". The megacity has grown in the eightieth years of XIX century on a place of camp of the first getters of tin - the Chinese adventurers"хакка". It was there where the rivers Klangs and Гомбак are flown down in the uniform stream painted by tin deposits in buro-grey colour. Gradually the city developed, and in 1880 became capital of princedom Селангор. In 1931 there was already 110 thousand inhabitants, and in thirty years in spite of the fact that tin extraction has already fallen into decay, Kuala Lumpur became capital of federation Malaysia and one of most quickly growing cities of South East Asia.


In Kuala Lumpur a tropical monsoonal climate with mid-annual temperature 27°С, relative humidity of 96 % and a considerable quantity of deposits. But it is not necessary to think, that Kuala Lumpur is the desert burnt out by the sun. Despite all the технократичность, the city is buried in verdure. In the eighties last century under projects of the best landscape designers of the world directly in city centre, round picturesque lake, some parks have been broken.

Now the Garden of Orchids, the Garden of Birds, the Garden of Butterflies and the Garden of Deer - the most popular vacation spots in a city. In the last, by the way, it is possible to see very rare animal - a mouse deer who is found only in this part of South East Asia. This so-called "deer" in size with a small cat, but looks, as present. The mouse deer, or "канчил" on-malazijski, often appears in Malayan fairy tales, playing a role of our Fad-gorbunka.


Петронас Twin Tauers

Kuala Lumpur is young and not so is rich with sights, as ancient cities of China or Europe, but also here are where to be photographed and about what to tell after arrival to friends. As soon as you will arrive here, your attention will necessarily involve the silhouette which has risen over a city of the highest building in the world - Петронас Twin Tauers. These something skyscrapers similar on two corncob at first conceded a rank of the highest buildings in the world to a 443-metre tower "Сирс" in Chicago. Then ambitious designers Петронас have completed steel spikes in length of 73,5 metres, and Петронас Twin Tauers have broken the world record. The area of all premises of a building corresponds to 48 football grounds.

Петронас Тауэрс differ not only the enormous sizes, but also complexity of a design. The engineer by project working out has listened to councils of the prime minister of the country and has given to a building a certain Islamic character. The matter is that the design of each tower is based on simple Islamic geometrical forms which form an eight-final star of two squares. Speak, this form symbolises the important Islamic principle "Integrity - closely bound unity, harmony, stability and rationalisation". By the way about rationalisation: in towers Петронас offices, exhibition and conference halls, art gallery, theatre, a concert hall where the Malaysian symphonic orchestra acts, restaurants, and as the most important shopping centre of Kuala Lumpur which is called "KLCC" are located. At level 41 floors between towers the bridge - a viewing platform hangs. From it any interested person can admire a city panorama. But only in the afternoon: The platform works to 4 o'clock in the afternoon, an input on it free, but the quantity of tickets is limited. Those who "was not in time", should pay 2 dollars.


Not less beautiful kind can be contemplated from a viewing platform of a capital television tower. It is called Менара, its height of 421 metre, and is 4 on height a world building. When it built, it is direct on the brink of a foundation ditch dug under a tower, there was a beautiful tree. The big money has been spent, that it to rescue. And now at tower bottom the present jungle grows, and to the rescued tree carries tourists. 


To escape from severity and бескомпромиссности a modern megacity and to feel true atmosphere Kualu-Lumpura is better there where the spirit of the first hunters behind tin still soars. As on the turned yellow antiquarian cards looks till now Чайнатаун, here again still there live descendants of the first Chinese adventurers. Its borders - streets Dzhalan-Bandar, Dzhalan-Petaling and the Dzhalan-sultan. This place of unknown trading activity: practically round the clock the improbable quantity of textile products, fruit, colours, animal, medical grasses and medicines is offered to buyers. The chaos known as "trade", reaches here "boiling points" by the evening when the average part of street Dzhalan-Petaling is fenced off, turning in the night market open-air. Along sidewalks numerous dealers with mobile kitchens are built. By the way, quality of food in these improvised тротуарных cafe almost always happens excellent. Especially Чайнатаун it is pleasant to those who is keen on ideas the Fan-shuj, loves ancient bagatelles. Clients foretellers and the doctors using акупунктуру Here accept. In the end of rough street there is a temple Tub Си Шу Йуэн constructed in 1906. It is decorated by images of dragons and deities, and he is esteemed very much by inhabitants of this fussy area. 

Масджид Негара

For all other Kuala Lumpur the unconditional spiritual centre and Islam symbol is national mosque Масджид Негара in the street the Dzhalan-sultan-himshamuddin. The main hall of a mosque contains 8 thousand persons and is especially filled on Fridays, in sacred day of Moslems. The mosque complex consists of a ridge star-shaped dome and a minaret in height of 73 m. Eighteen corners of a dome symbolise 13 states of Malaysia and "5 pillars of Islam". Islamic graphic traditions are interpreted here by modern architects. 

Historical monuments of Kuala Lumpur

Historical monuments of Kuala Lumpur are located in area between streets Dzhalan Раджа, Джалан Тун Перак and small river Klang. This last in a city a place where the colonial constructions which have remained after British have remained. All of them are created in characteristic Mauritian style under the project of architect A.K.Normana. These buildings - information Department, City council, the Main post office. Tourists visiting Kuala Lumpur by all means try to photograph the Palace of sultan Abdul-samada where the Supreme court is placed. And at all from love to a Themis: simply over a palace very beautiful 40-metre tower with the hours, topped with the gilt dome towers. Through road sports royal club "Селангор" is located. Once it was a place of gathering of local colonial beau monde. The club exists till now, but membership in it costs very expensively, therefore it is practically impossible to get there. Nearby there is Area Мердека or the Independence Area. This were крикетное a field which Englishmen colonizers played. Here on August, 31st, 1957 the British flag has been lowered and the national colours of independent federation Malaysia are lifted. By the way, on the highest flagstaff in the world: its height makes 100 metres. 

Architectural masterpieces of architect Habboka

Other English architect, Хаббок, is the author of several not less remarkable architectural masterpieces of a city in characteristic "Mauritian" style. One of them - railway station. All who comes to Kuala Lumpur by train, appear suddenly before a fantastic palace with set of turrets, sharp spikes, minarets and semicircular arches. Nearby from here you will find a southern input in park Lejk Gardens. This covered with wood and a flower carpet territory the area of 70 hectares without exaggeration it is possible to name "green lungs" cities. Here, at top of one of hills, the snow-white building of parliament towers.

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