Island Пенанг - Malaysia. The information on island Пенанг - sights and museums of island Пенанг. Rest in island Пенанг. Hotels and hotels of island Пенанг

Island Пенанг

Island PenangIf on Лангкави the calmness and a pacification, located in 112 km reign. To the south from it Пенанг is a typical sea city-resort with skyscrapers, fires of advertising and a rough night life which begins at once with darkness approach, and darkens in Malaysia already at 7 o'clock in the evening.

For western civilisation Пенанг has been opened in 1786 the Englishman captain Frensisom Lajtom, whose statue faces now to Museum Пенанга. Here, by the way, it is possible to learn, that hotel business in Пенанге has begun in 1802 when on island there were Armenians brothers Саркисовы, Тигран and Martin which have opened here two hotels. The island capital - the city of Georgetown - is named so in honour of one of English kings.

The island Penang is a mix Malayan, Chinese, Indian, нионской cultures with its colonial past. It is shown in many historical and cultural sights of island. The olden time and the present Here adjoin: rickshaws and the newest cars, colonial private residences and modern country houses, ancient temples and skyscrapers.

In Пенанге it is interesting to examine an old, colonial part of capital: fort Корнваллис, mosques of captain Kellinga and Ачин Стрит, temples of Snakes, Кек Лок Си, Goddesses of Mercy and Ват Чаймангкаларам. In the last there is the third on size in Asia a figure of the laying Buddha (length of 33 m.). It is said that the Temple of Snakes, unique where snakes so openly lay among алтарных temple subjects. It is interesting to visit Park of butterflies and Botanical garden Пенанга.

The fine panorama of island opens from mountain Penang (821 m. above sea level). It is possible to rise there on a cable car.

Island Penang - MalaysiaFrom Пенанга trips to aquapark Lake Town Resort that is in 35 minutes of driving from the bridge in length of 13,5 km, connecting Penang to continent will be organised. Here, except set of attractions, on island Orang Utan, visitors are waited by a meeting with charming young orang-utan Отаном to which during a dinner of tourists the separate fruit table is covered

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