Island of Borneo - Malaysia. The information on an island of Borneo - sights and museums of an island of Borneo. Rest in an island of Borneo. Hotels and hotels of an island of Borneo

Island of Borneo

Island BorneoFrom Kuala Lumpur to Kuching, the capital Borneo, one and a half hour of summer.

The best beaches to Borneo are in 35 km. To the West from Kuching. One of them Damai Beach opposite to mountain Santubong. Here nearby two large hotel complexes of system Holiday Inn are from each other located: Resort Damai Beach - 4 "stars" and Resort Damai Lagoon - 5 "stars". Near to Damai Beach takes places Sarawak Cultural Village (Ethnographic village Saravaka) where it is possible to get acquainted with a life, culture and crafts of seven basic nationalities Саравака and to look impressing 45-minute folklore concert.

Main sight Саравака are caves in reserves to the Mule and Ниах. Cave system in Нулу one of the most surprising on the earth. Here 26 basic caves, among which greatest in the world - Chamber Saravaka are opened.

In the whole Borneo leaves impression of an exotic, accurate, well-groomed place with landscapes in the English style, described in adventure novels. It is connected also by that up to 40th of XX century here 200 years the dynasty "white раджей" corrected, descendants English флибустьера James Brook to whom the sultan of Brunei granted the power in Сараваке in gratitude for support in suppression of revolt of local residents.

To Borneo one more state of Malaysia, Сабах is located. And between them султанат Brunei which the richest master in the world corrects.

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