Саравак |
Саравак - is in the island northwest. Staff occupies the greatest territory from all states of Malaysia.
History Саравака is full of improbable events, lyrical legends, fascinating legends about adventurers, pirates, hunters for turtles and as a whole is similar to a plot of the sensational novel. From modern history events it is possible to tell only, that after the termination of Second World War Саравак the Great Britain have been transferred and became English of colonies. Per 1963 Саравак has joined Malaysia and adheres to democratic system of board.
The nature has allocated this staff with surprising beauty which amazes everyone who here comes. Dense virgin jungle, unique on riches vegetative and the fauna, magnificent beaches, picturesque islands at coast, the greatest caves in the world is all Саравак, the unique country occupied by various ethnic groups and tribes with rich culture. Day in Сараваке does not begin with banal singing of cocks, and from a melody which is sung by gibbons all the day long without a break. Each hectare of ancient wood is filled by such kinds and quantity of trees which you will not meet even in the North America. On each tree lives more than thousand kinds of different insects. Also in wood there lives boundless quantity of kinds of the monkeys, flying lizards and other "flying" animals, such as fibers, frogs etc.
Ancient tropical wood abounds with ominous and fine animals: a small fallow deer in size with a cat, owls in height in 15 centimetres (some butterflies and that is more than it) and many other kinds which it is more not to find anywhere on the Earth – such as strange monkeys with trunks or gentle orangutans who are found only on Sumatra.
Territory Саравака is huge, its some areas are absolutely impassable and it is possible to reach there only by the easy plane or the helicopter. Boats also are the conventional means of transportation in staff as its territory all is cut up by the rivers.
In Сараваке there live friendly ethnic tribes which keep the ancient century customs transferred from generation to generation. Many countries and even cities have "cards". In France it is Tour d'Eiffel, in London changing of the guard, in New York Freedom statue, and main sight Саравака is «лонгхаус», the long house. It is long рубленый the house standing on high rafters – «курьих legs», from time to time to the ground floor attach on one compartment (only not upwards, and lengthways) other members of a family and other relatives living there. Such houses can be seen in staff everywhere. Ceremonies, dances and clothes of inhabitants of such houses very colourful. Sumatra and Borneo – unique places in the world where orangutans – people of jungle – live in the wild environment. Stay here, in this edge of adventurers and romanticists, would be incomplete without visiting of the mysterious caves showing one more miracle which the nature has presented to people. Саравак offers all kinds of the vigorous activity: from travel on mountain motorcycles and rafting to an adrenalinic safari on dense jungle. And after that it is possible to be transferred to the magic world of tropical paradise where white sand and the emerald sea will present to you new adventures and unforgettable impressions.
Capital Saravaka – the city of Kuching. At a city unusual enough name, after all on-malajski кучинг means a cat. However it is not necessary to expect, that cats here more than in any other city. The city was stretched on both coast of the river Saravak, approximately in 32 km from the sea.