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Khojend Khojend, on a level with such cities as Bukhara and Samarkand - one of the famous centres of a civilisation, a science and culture of the Central Asia: a city which since the most ancient times drew attention hospitality of the inhabitants, talented handicraftsmen and умельцев.

The city is based in days of Kajanidsky tsar Kajkuboda, and has blossomed and became still краше at board of tsar Darija. After gain Варазруда (the Central Asia) Alexander the Great the city began to be called as Alexandria Эсхата (Extreme).

Medieval historians, geographers and travellers mention Khojend as about a city of magnanimous, generous people, with developed by a science and crafts, fertile fields and gardens, and carry it to the fifth, best climate. Under certificates of scientists and historians, since ancient times in mountains round Khojend extracted gold, silver, copper, mercury, tin and other valuable metals.

City fields and gardens were irrigated with waters of two rivers – Сайхуна (Cheese-dari) and Бахоргона. Authors "Hudud-ul-olam", "Surat-ul-arz", "Mudzham-ul-buldon", “Форснома”, “Таърихи Систон”, “Таърихи джахонкушо”, "Nuzhat-ul-kulub" and other books, giving due to beauty of a city and qualities of its inhabitants, mention excellent pomegranates, apricots, rice and silk.

Khojend is well-known for the great sons - the famous astronomer and mathematician Abdumahmudom Hudzhandi (Х century), poets and writers Собитом and Садриддином Худжанди (ХI century), Махасти Худжанди (ХII century), Зиеуддином Худжанди (ХIII century), Камолом Худжанди (ХIV century), the religious figure sheikh Badeuddinom Nuri known as sheikh Muslihiddin (ХII century) and tens other representatives of a science, culture and art. The city by right is proud of national hero Temurmalikom - a symbol of firm spirit and an unbending will худжандцев.

Special respect and honouring representatives of dynasty Оли Худжамд in the east used - natives of Khojend who invariably held high state posts, figures of this dynasty the mind and knowledge, nobleness and foresight caused the deep response in hearts of people. For this reason great poet ХII of a century Хокони Ширвани with sincere love speaks:

The city of Khojend was in the centre of the Great Silk Way and consequently had a continuous communication with a world civilisation, developed economically and spiritually. Merchants of Khojend took out the best products of local handicraftsmen to other states, and the sciences enriched by achievements and civilisations almost from all world came back therefrom. After the publishing occurrence, one of the first Ходжи Сиддикходжа Худжанди has started to publish books, to extend

So it was defined, that Khojend played a visible role in development of the whole edge and considerable successes has achieved in industrial decades ХIХ and the XX-th centuries. Памятуя about it, худжандцы in advance use also this experience, scoop all useful to itself, that is saved up by experience human.

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