Kulyab |
The city of Kulyab has arisen 2700 years ago and throughout many centuries was the important political, trade and economic and cultural centre of huge Hatlonsky area. The city was on one of branches of the Great Silk way and had close trade and economic and a cultural contact with many countries of the East and the West.
In the Middle Ages the city of Kulyab was the important political, economic and cultural centre. The considerable quantity мактабов (schools) and медресе (higher educational institutions) Here functioned. Various craft manufactures and trade have been developed, literary and scientific mugs actively operated. In XVII-XIX centuries in the city of Kulyab lived and forty poets were engaged in creativity. Most known of them were Насех (Абдурахмон Ходжа), Ходжи Хусайни Кангурти, Бисмил, Shokhin, etc. the Found remains of constructions and the mausoleums testify to highly developed culture of architecture and building.
In the XX-th century beginning Kulyab was the largest city of East Bukhara and had 20 quarters. Various kinds of crafts, including weaving (high-quality silk fabrics have highly been developed: brocade, алочи, куртачи, сюзане), jeweller business, potter's and tanning manufacture, joiner's business, and also manufacture of knifes, a horse harness, the weapon and other metal products. In a city trade has been developed, there were markets. Kulyab was famous for the embroideries (гулдузи and чакан) which have the original unique form and a colouring.
For the first time, under the present name, the city of Kulyab is mentioned in ХШ a century.