Kurgan Tyube |
It is located in the Vahshsky valley (in 100 km to the south from of Dushanbe). Across one given Kurgan Tyubes has arisen in VII century, on another – much later. The city settles down in the top part of a valley, in the centre of a rich oasis. The territory of modern Kurgan Tyube, in the Middle Ages was known as Хутталь, and a city knew as Левакенд, or Vakhsh. These places were famous for good arrows and special breed of sheep.
Near to Kurgan Tyube, on the bank of the river Vakhsh, is the interesting historical place – ruins of site of ancient settlement Лагман (X–XIII centuries) Archeologists was found out here by pipes of an ancient waterpipe, the wells which have been laid out by a brick, fortifications with towers. This city was large occupied by point of ancient Bactria.
In 12 km to the east from Kurgan Tyube hill Adzhina-Teppe towers, the rests of a Buddhist monastery VII - VIII century of century (sanctuaries, cells, mortars, sculptures, wall lists), including a 12-metre figure of the laying Buddha here have remained.
Today Kurgan Tyube is one of the largest cities of republic, the regional centre of Hatlonsky area. Here some the big industrial enterprises, high schools, colleges, lycées, hotels. Nearby to a city there is an airport, the railway station has become operational. About edge history "will tell" Istoriko-museum of local lore. The total of its exhibits makes 700. The extensive exposition of a museum is an original story about the past and the present of a city the Barrow-tjube. Feature of a museum - a diopama «Теппаи Кургон» and «Растаи косибон». The picture on a theme of the past of the Vahshsky valley where except the burnt earth, the ruthless sun and rare caravans was not anything rises upwards. Then before eyes of spectators there is a fine panorama of the updated valley - with cities and modern constructions. Museum expositions contain many the most interesting data on national crafts of Tadjiks as embroidery «сюзане», ceramics, wooden and медны products.
Near to a city of Kurgan Tyube, on the bank of the river Vakhsh, it is taken the interesting historical place – ruins of site of ancient settlement Лагман (X–XIII centuries) In the middle of the XX-th century archeologists was found out by pipes of an ancient waterpipe, wells laid out by a brick, fortifications with towers. This city was one of the largest settlements of ancient Bactria and occupied big enough territory on those times – 43 hectares