Holidays of Laos. Laos

Holidays of Laos

On January, 1st - New year.
On January, 6th - Day Патэт Лао.
On January, 20th - Day of armed forces.
February-March - the Chinese New year.
On March, 8th - the International women's day.
On March, 22nd - Day of People party of Laos.
March-April - Laotian New year (Пи Маи).
April-May - Birthday of the Buddha.
On May, 1st - Day of work.
On June, 1st - Day of children.
June-July - Кхао Панса.
On August, 13th - Лао Иссара (Day of clearing of Laos).
September-October - the Beech ок Панса.
On October, 12th - Day of clearing of Laos.
On December, 2nd - the State holiday.

The choice of time of the majority of Laotian festivals occurs on a lunar calendar, depending on stages of a night star. The majority of local festivals begins in day of the full moon.

In January mark Тет (the Chinese New year) and Bun Pha Vetas - a holiday of an embodiment of king Vessantary as Buddhas (date floating). February is noted by festivals Макха Пуджа in honour of the first sermon of the Buddha - "Овада патимока", and also religious holidays Сикхоттабонг and Ват Пу.

In March across the nation, with parades and numerous cultural actions, the International women's day, and also Day of People party of Laos (a national holiday) and Бун Кхон Кхао - a local variant of Day of gratitude is marked. In April are worthy Бун Пимаи or Пи Маи - traditional Laotian New year. The whole train of celebratory actions lasts 3-7 days during which Laotians water each other, set free birds, build sandy locks, spend set of festivals and concerts, and in the first day of new year visit a temple. The international Day of work (on May, 1st) is marked as a national holiday, with numerous parades in Vientiane and other cities of the country. But the main event of May - Висакха Пуджа (a holiday of a birth, education and death of the Buddha). On all country religious ceremonies are spent, a tribute of respect to religious relics is paid and there pass candle processions. During the same period usually there passes one of the most ancient holidays of the country - festival of rain Бун Банг Фай or "the Holiday of rockets" when people start of rockets and petards remind gods, that the earth requires a rain. During this period in Vientiane there passes competition on the best rocket, and on all country the set of the dramatized representations is spent.

On June, 1st celebrate Day of children (a national holiday). In June-July all country marks Кхао Панса - the beginning of Buddhist obedience when young men become monks, and on the rivers start up thousand floating small lamps. On August, 13th mark Лао Иссара (Day of clearing of Laos, a national holiday), and in conformity with a lunar calendar across the nation - Хо Кхао Падап Динх (Festival dead), some kind of Laotian Day of all sacred.

In September-October all country celebrates the Beech ок Панса - the termination of Buddhist obedience. From October, 2 till October, 21st are spent dated for this event Competition on rowing the Beech ок Панса in Vientiane. And on October, 12th celebrate Day of clearing of Laos from the French colonisation (a national holiday). November - the most eventful period in a life of Laos. At this time are held festival of crop Тат Луанг with a large quantity of every possible actions in Vientiane, "Festival of the Big Mortar" Пха Тхат Луанг in honour of the biggest national monument of Laos - the Big Mortar in Vientiane, and also Autumn water festival Bun dated for it To us with river rowing regattas. On December, 2nd mark Independence Day - a national holiday with numerous military parades. And in the end of December spend picturesque New Year's celebrating of a nationality хмонг.

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