Kitchen of Laos |
The Laotian kitchen is in many respects similar to kitchen of the next Thailand. Traditional Laotian dishes - dry, spicy and absolutely delightful. Usual most often used components are - juice лайма, сорго lemon and a coriander. Also as in Cambodia and Vietnam, the strong fish sauce known as нампа, is salt replacement. In the majority of dishes of Laotian kitchen fresh vegetables and fish, mainly fresh-water as the country has no exit to the sea are used. Other popular meat dishes prepare from a hen, a duck, pork and beef though in the menu it is possible to find dishes of their wild wild boars in more remote areas, squirrels and monitor lizards. Laotian dishes usually eat with sticky rice and hands. In a countryside usually eat all together, sitting on a floor and with the general dishes.
Here a little from the most tasty Laotian dishes:
One of the most widespread Laotian dishes is paws - the traditional dish prepared from рубленого of a chicken or a duck. Small chopped meat mixes up with juice лайма, garlic and чилли, and also soup from crude grains of rice which preliminary fry and press. Paws usually eat with fresh vegetables and sticky fig.
Other popular dish - there a poppy хунг. It is the salad prepared from a fresh papaya, garlic, чилли, a peanut, sugar, fish sauce and juice лайма, it is considered very spicy! Жаренное соммо also it is delightful. Соммо is квашенная pork колбаска which often moves in the Vietnamese style. The dish known as наемнуанг, moves with thin rice fritters, thin noodles and a considerable quantity of grasses, vegetables, salad and sauce. The basic idea of this dish consists in gathering all components and to turn in one fritter.
Фо is a name of soup from thin noodles which can be met everywhere in Laos. It is similar to the Chinese soup-noodles which can be met in all countries of Asia, and usually it eat during a breakfast. Usually to it submit salad, лайм, mint and a coriander for creation of additional aroma.
Fresh bread in the form of the French baguette can be found in the big cities and he usually moves during a breakfast. It eat with paste, doing a sandwich, and adding моёр (a pork ham), vegetables and sauce чилли. Salads also are very popular in Laos. The traditional Laotian food includes a considerable quantity of fresh vegetables. In Luang Prabang you can try delightful salad from water кресса.