Diving on Maldive Islands. Maldive Islands

Diving on Maldive Islands

The underwater world on Maldives - one of the richest and colourful. Maldives long since were considered as Mecca for skin-divers. Seldom where you will see such abundance of sea living creatures. Even with a simple mask and a tube you can plunge into fantastic underwater jungle: the eyes to see in a dwelling habitat the huge sea turtle, all shades of a rainbow of small fishes, an octopus, graceful small рифовую акулку, мурену, a sea pike a barracuda, a graceful slope... And the most important thing, for this purpose is not present any necessity to go on the additional excursions, all can enjoy it every day, floating with a mask and a tube round the island-hotel.

On Maldives, as a rule, on one island there is only one hotel. Practically each hotel offers for residing not only a bungalow on the island, but also a bungalow on water. Someone instantly has a fear: to wake up in the morning and, having opened a door, with непривычки to flop directly in ocean.

Maldives - one of those few places where any, from the beginner to the master, will find fine conditions for a scuba diving. On resorts special schools as for those who prepares for the first immersing, and for skilled skin-divers work. Even beginners can plunge in places with soft corals, gentle slopes and set of tropical fishes. Possibility of night immersing and drift in an undercurrent, and also to their services set of abrupt walls, caves and even the sunk ships is given to skilled divers.

To swim for a while under water on Maldives it is possible everywhere – and in a lagoon about a resort, and on the remote reeves.

On Maldives – 26 atolls consisting of set of small coral islands. Each atoll surrounds the big lagoon with depth 40 - 90 m. Quiet water in a lagoon creates favorable conditions for formation ветвящихся and рифообразующих corals where are found about 900 kinds of tropical fishes.

In lagoons there are the channels cutting external reeves, and passages behind the lagoons, dividing atolls. Both and in passages – the strong current providing riches of sea flora and fauna, and gentle slopes with ledges serve in channels as a refuge for set of fishes, crabs and lobsters. In passages there are fine possibilities for drift; depth of passages – more than 200 m. Channels happen both small, and very deep.

Water from lateral aspect of atolls very pure, and a sea life is extremely various and full of paints. Some reeves on a West side of atolls of Male have chosen starfishes which, unfortunately, cause to corals a considerable damage.

Each island is bordered by a so-called house reef thanks to what almost on all resorts there are excellent possibilities for a scuba diving. Visibility in lagoons about islands, as a rule, good (to 40).

Besides islands on Maldives there is a set фаро – concentric underwater reeves in an atoll. Фаро, being about lateral aspects of atolls, more long, and some are broken off, as a horseshoe. But all of them rise from an atoll bottom, as though forming a lagoon in a lagoon. Depth of such lagoon usually reaches 6 m.

The underwater world of coral reeves of Maldive Islands amazes with the beauty - the set tropical рифовых fishes here lives: fishes-angels, груперы, fishes-scorpions, fishes-clowns, губаны, fishes-butterflies. It is possible to see huge мурен and sea turtles. But the brightest memoirs remain with submariners from meetings with other inhabitants of Maldivian waters: tunas and barracudas, huge наполеонами, sharks-nurses, рифовыми and whale sharks, мантами.

In territory of the majority of hotels the specialised schools of a scuba diving equipped on the international standard where work qualified, instructors who train beginners are located and help skilled skin-divers. You also can receive International certificate PADI (Open Water Diver), having been trained during a week, consisting of a theoretical course and 9 immersings with the instructor. Knowledge of English language necessarily (only on island Giraavaru there are русскоговорящие instructors of a scuba diving).

From the sunk ships in this area it is most known "Maldive Victory", sat down on reeves not far from capital Male. Other popular object-small the dry-cargo ship laying at atoll Халавели. Round the ship many the marble slopes laying on sand and expecting while instructors will stroke and will feed them.

For those who does not wish to adhere itself to one place and for whom daily new impressions of new places are necessary, it is possible to reserve round on one of safaris-catamarans and to go to a drive-safari-round. Daily you will have a possibility to make immersing in different interesting places and in different atolls. During a safari it will be possible to visit desert islands where in the evening for you and your companions the supper-barbekju will be offered, for which you will catch fish, after all fishing on Maldives is extremely fascinating employment.

Stretched on equator in boundless Indian ocean Maldive Islands transform dreams of fans of sea walks and a scuba diving into a reality. Here you can make fascinating sea cruises on a yacht (with fishing), and also to sweep by the helicopter or the local hydroplan, to see all this beauty from the bird's flight.

Immersing conditions
  • Water temperature in places of immersings in all season +27 - +30°С.
  • Considerable part of immersings pass in conditions of strong currents at vertical walls of the reeves leaving on depths of 30-50 m and more. Immersings in atoll channels, also in the conditions of strong currents are sometimes spent. Strong currents are characteristic line of waters of Maldive Islands. Currents can be directed horizontally, lengthways рифовых walls, and vertically - upwards or downwards.
  • Visibility in Maldivian waters strongly depends on a season and a place of immersings. Even in a winter monsoon - a season of the maximum visibility, at immersings in channels of an atoll visibility can vary from 30 to 5 m. the Considerable role in this case plays a current direction.

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