Customs on Maldive Islands. Maldive Islands

Customs on Maldive Islands

On import and export of a foreign currency there are no restrictions. All luggage passes rigid customs inspection. Duty-free import of 200 cigarettes and 125 ml of perfumery products, and also the goods of personal consumption "within limits", that is no more than one subject on the person is resolved.

Strictly it is forbidden to take alcoholic drinks, sausage "salami", pork and production from it, a pornography and drugs. Export of a black coral and production from it (except the souvenirs made by manufacturers officially certificated by the government), products from an armour of a sea turtle, and also the subjects found at the bottom of the sea is forbidden.

For alcohol import if it has not been noticed in time by customs officers, the monstrous penalty — 500 USD is imposed. So do not forget to advise to leave to the tourists all spirits at customs — in it difficultly to believe, but at departure from the country them will return in an integrity and safety.

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