Communication on Maldive Islands. Maldive Islands

Communication on Maldive Islands

All territory of the country is divided into a number of telephone zones. Cost of a call within one zone usually costs nearby 0,25 руфий for a minute, between different zones - from 0,55 to 3 руфий for a minute. The call can be made from any phone of the automatic machine working by telephone cards of the local operator "Dhiraagu" (cost 30, 50, 100, 200 and 500 руфий). Cards can be bought in special shop "Dhiiraagu Teleshop" in capital or from sellers of cards on any of large islands.

On a number of islands of call boxes is not present, and communication is carried out from public telephone booths (work usually from Sunday till Thursday from 7.30 till, on Fridays - from 14.00 till, on Saturdays - from 9.00 till), served by telephonists. Conversation cost depends on distance and a little above, than from a call box. From 24.00 to 06.00 cost it is sonorous more cheaply on 20 %.

Useful phone numbers

Help a telephone system - 110.
The international telephone operator - 190.
Communication statement between atolls - 188.
Weather service - 317-171.
Help the airport of Male - 332-211.
Bureau of development of tourism Мальдив - 323-228.
Customs office - 322-001, 310-045.

Police - 119.
National security service - 313-281.
Fire service - 118.
First aid - 102.

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