History of Mongolia |
Archeological excavations have found out the remains of the person dated the period about 500 000 years ago, in desert Gobi and other regions of Mongolia. Despite short Mongolian summer, wheat cultivation practised in this territory within many millenia along with animal industries which has arisen after Mongols have started to tame horses, camels and yaks.
The word "Mongol" has been fixed for the first time by Chineses in board of dynasty Тэнг (618-907 d.C.). At this time in Mongolia Turkic tribes уигхуров which, being under the influence of Christianity, after an establishment them of the control over Mongolia have gone prevailed to help friendly governors of Chinese dynasty Тэнг with revolt suppression. They dominated on большей parts of Mongolia to 840 years AD, have not been crushed yet by the Kirghiz which descendants live now in Chinese province Синьцзян.
Mongols did not wish to unite with other nomad tribes of northern Asia. Up to 12 centuries the country represented something like the fragile union of conflicting clans, there was no yet a 20-year-old Mongolian governor by name of Темучин, which smog to unite round itself the majority of the Mongolian tribes. In 1189 Genghis Khan honourable name that "the general tsar" means has been given it. While for Europeans this name associates with ruthlessness and cruelty, for Mongols it - an embodiment of force, unity, the law and an order. Чингиз has made capital a city on which place is modern Хархорин (Kharkhorin) and has directed the strongest cavalry on the well-known Mongolian horses такхи against China and Russia. By his death time in 1227 the Mongolian empire was stretched in territory from Beijing to Caspian sea.
Grandson Genghis Khan Kublajhan (1216-1294) has finished conquest of China, has put an end to board of Chinese dynasty Сонг (960-1279) and became the first emperor of Chinese dynasty Юуань (1271-1368). Кублайханвскоре has understood, that the Mongolian Empire cannot expand the borders more. Instead of continuing wars and to grasp new territories, it has concentrated on preservation of unity of the extensive empire. It was the period of blossoming of Mongolia: the empire was stretched from Korea to Hungary, and in the south - to Vietnam; it was the greatest empire from everything ever existing in the world.
After death Кублайхана in 1294 Mongolia began to depend more and more on people, it enthralled. The discontent with began to arise that the exclusive class has been released from taxes, and the empire began to break up to parts as a result of interstine struggle for the power. In the middle of 14 centuries Mongols have been superseded from Beijing by the first emperor of dynasty Минь. And after falling of a dynasty Yuan more than 60 000 Mongols have been compelled to return to Mongolia. Their unity has been weakened: the long period of clan civil strifes and disintegration approached.
Board Manchzhu was rather quiet for China till 1800, but the followed board of dynasty Квинг has appeared exclusively corrupted and despotic. In 1911 this Chinese dynasty has fallen. Mongolia has taken advantage of the moment: on December, 1st, 1911 the branch of Mongolia from China has been proclaimed, and in Mongolia the theocratic government under the guidance of Джбцун the Dam VIII (the Live Buddha) has been created. On May, 25th, 1915 Contract Кьякхта between Mongolia, China and Russia, guaranteeing Mongolia the limited autonomy has been signed.
Revolution in Russia in 1917 was blow for the Mongolian aristocracy. Having taken advantage of weakness of Russia, the Chinese military leaders in 1919 have entered the armies into Mongolia and have occupied capital. In the beginning of 1921 receding armies of White Guards have entered into Mongolia and have superseded Chineses. Cruelty both Chinese, and Russian armies has caused a strong wave of resistance of Mongols. While Bolsheviks suppressed forces of White Guards in Siberia more and more, the Mongolian nationalists have addressed to them for the help. They in July, 1921 have occupied with incorporated forces Ulan Bator. The spiritual leader, and the created Mongolian People party (the first political party in history of the country has been restored буддистский and unique during the subsequent 69th years) has generated the government. On November, 26th, 1924 the Mongolian National Republic (МНР) has been proclaimed, and Mongolia became the second-large communistic power in the world.
Mongolia built communism absolutely independently until in 1920 Stalin has not concentrated the absolute power in the hands. Stalin reprisals have shipped Mongolia in the uttermost nightmare, the governmental campaign directed against religious figures was especially ruthless. In 1937 mass reprisals concerning monasteries have been spent, and the set of monks has been executed. It is considered, that in reprisals 27 000 persons that made at that time 3 % of the population of Mongolia have been destroyed nearby.
During easing of the Soviet mode in the early eighties at the head of a management of Mongolia has risen Джамбин Батмонкх which began to pursue a policy of the decentralisation, inspired Michael Gorbachev's by reforms. Батмонкх has made shy attempt of reorganisation and publicity in 1986. In 1989 diplomatic relations with China have been established. Disintegration of the Soviet union has led to a definitive exit of Mongolia from under its influence. But very few people in Mongolia was ready to such fast disintegration.
In March, 1990 large prodemocratic demonstrations have occurred on the area before a parliament building in Ulan Bator, and numerous hunger-strikes of the protest have begun. Then all has occurred very quickly: Батмонкх has lost the power; new political parties have been created; protest and demonstration hunger-strikes proceeded. In May the government has made amendments to the constitution, allowing to hold a multi-party election, but, on a twist of fate, rural areas have given an overwhelming poll for habitual communistic leaders. Communists have been compelled to go for the agreement with other parties therefore the Mongolian Democratic Coalition on June, 30th, 1996 has been created, and the 75-year-old period of communistic board has safely come to the end.
Within the next several years the governments replacing each other carried out westernized to the policy of reforms and privatisation with attraction of the foreign capital, but in 1998 in the country poverty still reigned. The foreign help has solved some economic problems, but Mongolia still struggles with naywards of again found freedom. In 1997 the country has entered the World Trade Organization, but even it was not enough to avoid general poverty and hunger. A little especially severe winters have negatively affected a nomadic way of life of Mongols and have even more aggravated a heavy economic situation in the country.