Customs in Mongolia. Mongolia

Customs in Mongolia

Import narcotic, explosive and poison gases, not tinned meat products, the weapon and an ammunition without the permission of corresponding bodies is forbidden.

Duty-free import of cigarettes - to 200 pieces, or cigars - to 50 pieces, or 250 г tobacco, strong spirits - to 1 l, beer - to 3 l, or fault - to 2 l, and also the private use goods for a total sum to $1000 on the person is resolved. Home appliances, a photo - film-and video equipment are imported in the quantity which is not exceeding 1 subject of each name. History subjects (including books and manuscripts), works of art and electronic components should be without fail brought in the customs declaration.

The local currency in quantity to 815 tughriks is freely imported, for import большего quantities it is necessary to present the bank documents confirming legality of acquisition of local currency. Foreign currency import is nominally limited by the sum of $2000 or equivalent quantity of other currencies. Export local and a foreign currency is limited by the quantity declared in the customs declaration, filled at entrance.

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