Transport in Thailand |
Motor transport
Now all Thailand dissect modern автобаны, and to move on the country by the car it is possible. From Russia to go by the car there is no sense (as you there drag it? By the plane?), and here inhabitants next to Thailand Malaysia and further Singapore can get over without special problems through southern Thai border and drive about on the авто. Still happens in some cases conveniently to reach from Malaysia in southern provinces of Thailand by bus. Buses go from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Bus service in the country quite good, a unique important point - is always better to go by bus with the conditioner. Otherwise - even the pair of hours on сорокоградусной to heat will transform a trip on the country into torture. Buses ply on all country, and to reach from Bangkok in any area of the country does not represent special complexity. To rent the car it is possible in any city where there are tourists.
Rent авто
For rent it is possible to take any vehicle: a bicycle, a moped, a motorcycle (100-200 бат in day), the car or a jeep (from 500 to 1500 бат in day). Do not pursue cheapness: technically cheap cars, as a rule, below any criticism. Fuel in the country is very cheap. To drive the car in unimaginable chaos of streets of Bangkok, the improbable patience is necessary, considerable experience and gift to see in darkness as in the evenings of street plunge into twilight. Driving about on a moped in a beach suit, imagine, as you will look in case of failure, which here, alas, not a rarity. In Thailand link sided movement and some ultramodern rules with which anyhow it is necessary to be considered is accepted. Limiting care is necessary, differently in case of failure all fault for it will try to fall down on you.
Municipal transportation in Bangkok
"Bangkok would be paradise if not traffic" is the cleanest truth. Till now there is no ideal way of movement across Bangkok though to choose is from what. A city taxi - you go on the counter or you agree. In the whole taxi not expensive, but there is a danger to stay in a stopper long time. Stoppers - one big problem for a city, especially in rush hours. Local residents prefer to go by motorcycles... Purely Thai way of movement - tuk-tuk. Represents a three-wheeled taxi with covered top and it is calculated first of all on tourists. Hardly it becomes your favourite way of movement on a city, but at least once to be passed it is just necessary. One more interesting way of movement in Bangkok are boats. In the middle of XIX century one Thai king has visited Venice, and it so was pleasant to it, that he has decided to transform Bangkok into the second Venice. So Bangkok also carries till now this very disputable title "east Venice". Disputable - because these dug channels (khlong - клонги) as a matter of fact messengers of all infections in a city. Well and so, on a city it is possible to move on a boat (plus routeing boats) on khlong'ам and river Chao Praya. Plus in Bangkok have started Skytrain - underground type, but over the earth (as in Chicago). Very conveniently meaning that there are no stoppers, it is quickly possible to reach from one part of a city in another.
Municipal transportation in Паттайе
First, in Паттайе it is necessary to take hotel in city centre that movings like "hotel-restaurant-shop" did not disturb. Secondly, it is better to remove the car, and to go for a drive most. And in Паттайе the basic way of movement - covered vans-taxi somewhere the person on eight everyone. These taxi as a rule routeing, ply on all city centre. There is a standard rate for a place, it is possible to agree with the owner.
Air transport
The majority of tourists come to Thailand through Bangkok and the first, that they see - modern terminals of the airport Don Муанг which has been completely updated year so three-four back. Bangkok - the main gate of the country, the overwhelming majority of tourists uses air transport. Many airlines carry out regular flights in capital of Thailand, from which two actually Thai - Thai airways and Bangkok Airways. The first of them represents special interest (жалько only with exUSSR it yet does not work). Already at flight in the country of smiles the person plunges into its atmosphere. It is promoted by a Thai cuisine, conditions in the plane and so forth Bangkok Airways flights abroad, but the basic specialisation of the company - flights in the country too does. In Thailand the good internal system of airlines, the majority of large cities and the centres of provinces have the airports.
Railway transportation
The railway communication in the country is developed, but it is not so popular: the people quite обоснованно prefer other types of transport. From Malajzii/Singapura, the unique countries with which Thailand is connected by a railway system, it is more convenient to reach by bus on more less short distances and plane - on big. In the country is better to move in the conditioned bus. The exception of this rule is made by northern and northeast provinces where railwaymen successfully compete both to buses, and with planes.