It is useful to know |
In the country the considerable quantity of original dogmas and traditions operates, therefore it is necessary to be the extremely circumspect in the actions, and it is even better - to watch closely behaviour тайцев and to repeat their actions in case of doubts in correctness of the.
Traditional greeting in Thailand - "вай" - combined "лодочкой" the palms put to a head or a breast. It not simply gesture of a greeting, and more status action with certain etiquette. The fulfilment order "вай" is very strict and submits to the whole code - position of hands and duration of gesture is defined by a social status welcomed - the more considerably the person, the palms above rise and that lasts "вай" longer. It is impossible "to return вай" to children and attendants, therefore tourists it is better not to adopt blindly this custom, preliminary not having studied in detail all subtleties of its application. In a daily life тайцы quite manage a friendly nod and universal "hello", hands each other to shake it is not accepted. Do not touch a head тайца (including. And to small children) - will cause the terrible insult. The sitting person, especially if it has crossed the legs, should not turn a foot towards people at all, statues of the Buddha and the king.
Тайцы are extremely tolerant to displays чужых customs and are quiet - to raise the voice and especially - to shout, it is considered a bad form sign. To Thai policemen it is possible to address with any questions. Often in informal conversation 6-sentries intervals of time of days are used, i.e. It is possible to hear about "5 o'clock in the afternoon" and "5 o'clock in the evening" (17.00 and 23.00 in the European understanding).
The royal house uses huge respect of inhabitants of the country, тайцы necessarily rise at execution of a royal hymn (it is executed at 8.00 and 18.00 after all tele-and to radio channels), and at cinemas before each session the portrait of the king is shown. Foreigners too are recommended to rise or respectfully to stop directly in the street in case of execution of a royal hymn.
All statues of the Buddha in what a kind and a condition they were not, considered as the sacred. Therefore it is not necessary to get on them to be photographed (punishment usually enough rigid - up to film destruction on which similar sacrilege is embodied), or in any other form to show to them disrespect.
Shorts (both for men, and for women) are admissible only on a beach and in hotel. At an input in any house and furthermore in a temple, it it is necessary to remove footwear (thus on territory (not inside, namely on territory) some temples it is possible to get only to footwear at which the heel is closed). At visiting of public places and the more so temples, the length of trousers or a skirt should be sufficient to close anklebones.
Women have not the right to address to monks, in turn Buddhist monks it is forbidden to touch the woman or to accept something from her hands. Therefore the woman who wishes to make подношение to the monk, is obliged to transfer at first it to the man, and that, in turn, will give it to the monk. Probably and simply to put подношение on edge of a saffron-yellow cape or a scarf which is held on the other hand by the monk.
In a mosque of the man should put on headdresses, and women are authorised to come inside only in trousers or a long skirt, a blouse with the long sleeves, clasped up to the top and in a scarf covering a head. Before an input in a mosque also it is necessary to be undressed. During service stay in a mosque the stranger is forbidden.
Tip is accepted only in tourist places, them gives to porters (5-10 бат), to taxi drivers (approximate indications of the counter till 5-10 бат) and to guides, and also workers of hotels (the parlourmaid - 10-20 бат a day). At service restaurants (service charge) are included in the account by separate line. In those places where it it is not made, tip usually makes 10 %.
The beaches at the majority of hotels are not present. On beaches of high quality hotels the flags designating a condition of the sea are hung out - green designates a quiet condition of a water table and bathing without restrictions, yellow - on the sea a storm, and rescuers watch closely the bathing. If the red flag is hung out to bathe it is forbidden, and rescuers even have the right not to admit to water. For chaise lounges on a beach it is raised 20-30 бат. To sunbathe and bathe without a bathing suit it is forbidden - the heavy fine is raised. Also in many hotels restrictions on night bathings operate.
Categorically it is not recommended to agree on free trips, excursions, offers of meal or drinks from unfamiliar (often it is offered by taxi drivers and tuk-tukov). It is necessary to find out accurately always, whether correctly the driver has understood you. From hotel always it is necessary to take a card on which on-tajski the address of hotel and the journey scheme to it is written is it is necessary for the explanatory of road for the taxi driver (the drivers who are not able even to read) sometimes come across.
Special problem "free enough" customs on some popular resorts of the country recently began to represent. Practically round-the-clock дансинги with the indispensable use of easy drugs, braziers with doubtful contents it is direct at a beach edge, ubiquitous prostitutes and pseudo-poor, and also doubtful "massage salons" have captivated resort cities of the western coast. Therefore before a hotel choice it is necessary to consult attentively about usages in the given concrete place.
In capital of Thailand the ban for smoking in public places - in hospitals, schools, offices, public transport, shopping centres and restaurants, and also in parks and at stadiums is imposed. Infringers can be fined to 2 thousand бат (an order of $45). Moslems also plan to declare "бестабачной a zone" territory round 60 Islamic temples in area Ajuthaje.
It is not recommended to drink water from under the crane. It is necessary to buy always бутилированную (it frequently give in hotels free of charge).
The fixed prices for the goods only in department stores and some large shops. In the markets, in benches and in the majority of shops it is accepted to bargain. In most cases the price can be lowered to 30-50 % from originally named.
Pressure in a network 220 In, 50 Hz. Sockets of the western sample, the adapter (adapter) therefore is recommended to have.
C 2007 in Thailand the new antitobacco law has come into force. The interdiction extends on smoking in showrooms, museums, shopping centres, children's playgrounds, halls of hotels and apartment houses, restaurants, bars, and also at public transport stops. Infringers are threatened with the penalty from 2000 to 20 thousand бат (from $55 to $550).