Money in Тайланде |
Monetary unit - бат (THB), equal 100 сатангам. In circulation coins from a yellow alloy advantage 25 and 50 сатангов, nickel coins face value 1, 2, 5 бат, plastic "denominations" in 50 бат and bimetallic coins advantage 10 бат. Banknotes are issued by advantage 10 бат (brown), 20 бат (green), 50 бат (blue), 100 бат (red), 500 бат (lilac) and 1 000 бат (grey). Сатанги in circulation already practically do not meet.
Banks and exchange
Large banks work only at week-days from 8.30 till. Small banks and the licensed exchange offices work on weekdays with 8 to 15. In resort zones an operating mode of banks often more long.
To exchange money it is possible at the airports, hotels (the exchange rate can differ on 10 % to the worst), in supermarkets, in branches of banks (official rate) and the licensed exchange offices (most a favourable rate). The exchange of US dollars is specific enough - depending on face value of dollar denominations the exchange rate varies also. The lowest course offer for denominations advantage from 1 to 10 dollars, the highest - for denominations of the new sample advantage of 50-100 dollars (the difference can make to 2-3 %). Banknotes of the old sample (till 1993) can not accept at all, even in bank. To exchange remained баты back for dollars it is possible only at the airport.
In large resort areas frequently it is more favourable to use tourist checks, than cash. For payment practically all basic international credit cards and traveller's cheques (checks often accept only at tourists who live in hotels) everywhere are accepted. In some places on their use the tax (3-5 %) is imposed, therefore it is recommended to find out in advance payment conditions "through a credit card".
The VAT (7 %) joins in the price of all goods and services, and also in restaurant accounts. For VAT return it is necessary to make purchase in one shop (are designated by an inscription "VAT Refund for Tourists"), in one day, and a minimum of 2000 бат. On purchase the special check-receipt for VAT return is made out. Purchases need to be taken out from the country within 60 days. The general minimum sum of purchases for return registration - 5000 бат.