Embassies and consulates of Thailand |
The embassy address in Ukraine Загранучреждения in Ukraine is not available.
The embassy address in Russia Kingdom Thailand Embassy in Moscow
129010, Moscow, B.Spasskaja's street, д.9 (the m. item Suharevsky)
Phone: 208-08-17, 208-08-56
Business hours: 9, 14 (pn.-pt.)
E-mail: thai.mlw@citiline.ru
Consulate general in St.-Petersburg
St.-Petersburg, the Big prospectus of Century О, 16
Phone: (812 325-62-71, 323-25-38
Consulate in Vladivostok: ул, Sukhanov, 6
Bodies: (4232 43-23-66, 43-23-00
Embassy of Ukraine in Kingdom Thailand and in Laotian People's democratic Republic (in combination)
The address: 87 All Seasons Place, CRC Tower, 33 Floor, Wireless Road, Lumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok, Thailand 10330
Phone: (10-662 685 32 16
Fax: (10-662 685 32 17
E-mail: emb_th@mfa.gov.ua, ukremb@asianet.co.th