Bishkek |
Bishkek - capital of Kirghizia - is located at height 750 - 900 m in the central part of the Chujsky valley at northern bottom of the Kirghiz ridge.
Bishkek the largest city of Kyrgyzstan with the population more than 800 thousand persons, multinational - more than 80 nationalities and nationalities. The basic language of international dialogue - Russian.
Nearby to the city of Bishkek international airport "Манас" is located, in a city is railway and road service station. As a rule, Bishkek is a starting point for travel on the country.
Родоначальницей Bishkek there was fortress Пишпек which has arisen in 1925 – strengthening which protected караванные the ways stretched from Tashkent through all Chujsky valley to Issyk Kul.
After fight with Russian imperial armies and кокандскими conquerors this strengthening has been destroyed and began to concern to окраинным to the earths of Russian empire. In 1897 in Пишпеке was all 6,6 thousand inhabitants. Pre-revolutionary Пишпек resembled dusty village with mud houses more. With arrival of the Soviet power the city began to develop intensively.
In 1926 It has been renamed into honour of the revolutionary who has born here and commander M.V.Frunze. In 1991 its old name in new interpretation – Bishkek has been returned the City. According to experts, «бишкек» means - a stick for koumiss beating – a national drink from sour кобыльего milk.
In 20 km from Bishkek there passes a river Chu channel, in territory of the city there is Western and East Big Chujsky channel, and also the branched out network арыков. In Bishkek a rectangular lay-out of streets, unlike ancient Central Asian cities. In a city it is a lot of parks, squares, parkways and avenues.
In a city there are many places for leisure carrying out. Here the large museums are located some, most interesting of which are the Historical museum, a museum of the Fine arts, a museum of M.V.Frunze. City centre пестреет posters of opera and ballet theatre, Russian and Kirghiz drama theatres, the Bishkek City Drama theatre, the state philharmonic society of T.Satylganova.
Here many places reminding of history of a city have remained. Bishkek – a unique city of Central Asia where on the Central area the monument to V.I.Lenin is kept. Bishkek remembers the history and with pleasure will tell to its all who will want to visit small, but cosy capital.