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The mounting skiing resort "Орловка" is located in 90 km from Bishkek. Орловка »perfectly will approach both for professionals, and for beginners since the mountain-skiing base is equipped by 9 lines of various level of complexity, in the length from 150 to 2890 m with difference of heights from 30 and to 560 m. All lines prepare ратраком. There is a snow gun.

  • Length of 2890 m difference of heights of 560 m
  • Length of 1500 m difference of heights of 430 m
  • Length of 1700 m difference of heights of 430 m
  • Length of 1800 m difference of heights of 430 m
  • Length of 1200 m difference of heights of 430 m
  • Length of 1000 m difference of heights of 350 m
  • Length of 1000 m difference of heights of 350 m
  • Length of 500 m difference of heights of 110 m
  • Length of 150 m difference of heights of 30 m

In territory there are two pendant rope-ways and two towing. The length of a line of lifting of a pendant rope-way makes from 500 to 900 m with differences from 110 to 350 m; average speed of movement of a rope-way - an order of 3 km/s. The length of a line of lifting of towing rope-ways – from 150 to 600 m, with differences – from 30 to 120 m, the towing lift moves on the average with a speed 2m/with.

Pendant rope-way:
1. Length of a line of lifting of 900 m
- Difference of 350 m
- Speed of movement of 3,4 km/s

2. Length of a line of lifting of 500 m
- Difference of 110 m
- Speed of movement of 3,2 km/s

Towing rope-way:
1. Length of a line of lifting of 600 m
- Difference of 120 m
- Speed of movement of 2 km/s

2. Length of a line of lifting of 150 m
- Difference of 30 m
- Speed of movement of 2 km/s

Equipment of base

- Bath
- Billiards

- Restaurant
- Bar

A food

At restaurant of a complex of mountain-skiing base «Орловка» it will be offered to you to try the best dishes national and an European cuisine, and the degree of service and goodwill of the personnel will not leave you indifferent.

Hosted by uCoz