Karakol - Kirghizia. The information on Karakol - sights and museums Karakol. Rest to Karakol. Hotels and hotels Karakol


The mountain-skiing base "Karakol" is located in 7км. From Karakol (Issyk-Kulsky area) on slopes of mountains Tjan-Shanja (2300 metres above sea level). "Karakol" an excellent place both for professionals and for fans since. In complex territory there are lines of various level of complexity, and the height of lifting of a rope-way reaches 2500 m. Having a rest on a mounting skiing resort "Karakol" you can drive on skis and as will take pleasure in a bewitching panorama on the second-large mountain lake in the world, lake Issyk Kul.

In complex territory there is a point of hire for those who has not had time to get own equipment yet. There for you will individually pick up mountain-skiing equipment of firm "Rossignol". The Mounting skiing resort "Karakol" perfectly approaches for beginners since. Skilled instructors are always glad to help and train you in skills of technics of driving.

Equipment of base

- 2 cottages "Chalet"
- Restaurant
- 5 lifts
- Billiards

- Sauna
- Conference hall
- Helicopter platform

Climate of region the soft. Average winter temperature-5. The ski season begins in November and comes to an end in May. The snow cover reaches a thickness of 1,5-2 m.

The length of mountain-skiing lines reaches 20 km. Lines are calculated both on skilled skiers and on beginners. The driving area differs wide spacious descents on a virgin soil, and on specially prepared slopes. Extent of descent varies from 400м to 3,5км. It is More than half of lines passes through coniferous wood that gives to descent special colour.

To go for a drive it is possible at any heights. The highest point of driving 3040м. Difference of heights 800м, the minimum bias of 7 %, the maximum bias of 53 %.

A food

At restaurant of a complex of mountain-skiing base "Karakol" it will be offered to you to try the best dishes national and an European cuisine, and the degree of service and goodwill of the personnel will not leave you indifferent.





The city of Karakol - an administrative centre of Issyk-Kulsky area. The city is located in east part of the Issyk-Kulsky hollow, in a river Karakol mouth, at foot Терскей Is scarlet-too, at height of 1770 m above sea level. 

Karakol is connected with the city of Bishkek by a highway in length of 403 km. From Bishkek trip buses, fixed-route taxis and a taxi go to Karakol. Moving Karakol occupies Bishkek on the average 6 – 8 hours. Through Karakol the way lays to the highest tops Tjan-Shanja, «Peak the Victory» or «Томур» on the Chinese, 7439 m and "Khan Tengri", on Kirghiz "Khan-too" of 7010 m located on glacier Иныльчек.

   Karakol has rich history. Has been based in 1869 as a district administrative centre, in this place passed караванный a way in Кульджу. In the same 1869 the construction plan has been made by Russian military topographers. The rectangular grid of streets has been accepted, the city broke for small rectangular quarters, each of which shared on sites. In 1881 6 quarters have been completely built up. The city population grew in the beginning mainly at the expense of immigrants of Uzbeks, татаров, Uigurs, Russian and Ukrainians. Inhabitants were engaged in agriculture, craft, trade, cattle breeding and carrying. After death of great Russian traveller Н. M.Przhevalskogo who has died in Karakol in 1888 г, the city receives name Пржевальск. In the early nineties 20 centuries to a city come back the initial historical name Karakol.

Istoriko-architectural monuments of Karakol are interesting: дунганская a mosque constructed in style of a Buddhist temple and made of a tree without use of nails. It has been constructed 1910 Corners of roofs are fancifully inflexed, and on the ends of angular beams heads of dragons are represented. The external gallery which roof is supported by thirty golden колон, decorated with magnificent woodcarving is most expressive. As Russian Orthodox church – «the Piously-Troitsk cathedral» constructed in 1872 from a tree on a brick socle. Sights of a city concern as park-reserve N.M. Przhevalsky with tomb and a memorial of the traveller which are about landing stage on high coast of lake Issyk Kul. Near to landing stage Karakol, at the bottom of lake Issyk Kul the rests of a site of ancient settlement (XIV - XV centuries) are based. Ruins of several constructions from a brick and a stone, the bases of buildings, floors, timbered floorings have remained.

Now Karakol the largest city of Issyk Kul possessing a modern infrastructure. In a city lives 65 thousand persons (1999), there are some universities and the institutes, eleven schools, two big microdistricts "Rising" and "Squash-suu". The large trading network is presented by two east markets: big regional and the market it is less. In seven kilometres from a city at height of 2300 m above sea level there is a modern mountain-skiing base "Karakol", one of the most interesting mountain-skiing bases of Republic. Near to a city there are gorges Dzhety-Oguz, the Three-copecks piece-arashan, Chon-Kyzyl-Suu, one-day excursions to geothermal sources located in these gorges are possible. In neighbouring mountains hunting for wild animals, a falconry will be organised.

Fans of an extreme are invited to make helicopter round on glacier Иныльчек, or to go down with an aqualung on a bottom of Issyk Kul. At will excursions to yachts are possible, water motorcycles, boats, catamarans surrender in hire. Interested persons can be engaged in surfing, a swimming under a sail or easier to fish.



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