Ош |
The city of Osh – the second-large city in Kyrgyzstan and one of the most ancient cities of Central Asia. Exact date of its occurrence is unknown. The written history totals it over a millenium, and archeological finds conduct in general in three-thousand-year prescription.
Legends connect the basis of a city with such characters of world history, as древнеизраильский tsar Solomon (Сулейман) and Greek governor Alexander the Great. For the first time Ош it is mentioned in Arabian sources IXв. Scientists cannot come till now to a common opinion in a question of etymology of the name of a city. Attendants of religious cults try to connect an origin of a city with legends, but any of legends does not explain neither the fact of occurrence of a city, nor etymology of its name.
The main sight of a city — mountain Tahti-Sulejman («Throne Соломона») which from an antiquity is considered one of the most important relics of local Moslems - the second Mecca. On southern slope Сулейман - mountains are stored certificates of ancient cults of the Islamic period, and ancient agricultural settlements of an epoch of bronze are found out. With them connect occurrence of the city of Osh.
From an ancient city almost has remained nothing. According to archeologists, in antiquity Ош has been enclosed by a fortification, had three collars, the citadel surrounded шахристаном inside towered. The cathedral mosque was near a market, near to the Ak-drill river. Ош was large shopping centre on the Great silk way connecting the Mediterranean and the Near East with Pamir, Tibet, China and India. Since ancient times Ош was famous for the markets and caravans-sheds. The main market is located on the left coast of the river of the Ak-drill, and the classical sample of east covered market - тима represents. More than two millenia the market lives the noisy and bright life, changing the constructions and expanding borders, but remaining on the same place chosen still in an antiquity.
Besides, Ош was one of the religious Muslim centres of Central Asia. In many respects it связанно with legends and legends about a grief Sulajman-Too with which national сказанья allocate with force and ability to cure any illnesses of pilgrims. Under legends, on this mountain the woman can ask the god about ниспослании to it the child, and on top "the track of tests" on which, according to legends, never there can pass any adulteress conducts legendary. With X-Xivv. And on the beginning of the XX-th century at foot Sulejman-Too, on its slopes and even at tops the set cult a construction was erected by Moslems: мазаров, mosques, etc.
In Оше the museum "Great Silk way" also is opened. Unique exhibits tell about marks in development of a material world of the people of region - from the Stone Age to the present. Basically it is finds of archeologists, historians, ethnographers.
One of interesting exhibits is the card dated approximately 1953. The card displays various Kirghiz clans and tribes (that is till now very important component of the Kirghiz society). In city centre there is monument Курманжан Датке - «the Southern Tsarina», known for opposition to the Russian gain. Its portrait decorates a banknote in 50 catfish. And as the monument to Lenin, near to a memorial devoted to the Great Patriotic War with an inscription in the Kirghiz and Russian languages «is forgotten Nobody – Nothing is forgotten».
The Osh market which lasts about kilometre along the river, is described in many guidebooks, as the most colourful in all Central Asia. Near a market the greatest mosque in Kyrgyzstan – Mosque Шаид Тепа settles down.
The initial, wooden building of a mosque has been constructed per 1908-1910, but has been closed under the decree of the Soviet power later and served as a stall and a smithy. The mosque has been again opened only in 1943, as a sign of religious tolerance of the Soviet government. In recent years the mosque has undergone the repair made on means of Saudi Arabia and today it can contain to 5000 believers.