Pass Torugart - Kirghizia. The information on Pass Torugart - sights and museums Pass Torugart. Rest in Pass Torugart. Hotels and hotels Pass Torugart

Pass Torugart

The pass Torugart is the remote place of crossing of borders between Kyrgyzstan and China. Till 2002, year of opening of pass Irkeshtam for transportation of passengers between two countries, Торугарт was a unique place of crossing of borders between China and the Kirghiz Republic which could be used by tourists, for example, those tourists who travel on the Great Silk Way. In 1905 the British Consul in Kashgar (George McCartney) has found out, that Russian have cleared the way in the width in 27 foots from village At-Bashi to Торугарта and also length half-miles in territory of China. The main player in «Great game» between the British and Russian empires which struggled for influence in the Central Asia, has informed the commanders-in-chief, that the road can be repaired and that that this road was by through which should there were to come armies of Russia. In 1906 the Chinese government under the pressure of the Russian government has agreed to finish building, taking pledge in the Russian Bank – compensating it duty putting on – and the Russian dealers have provided with trade monopoly for this way. Chineses were not glad to it and have lifted taxes so, that soon road have ceased to use.

In the book «Hunting in the Central Asia – About secret policy Lenin» tells floor Назароф about difficulties and bureaucracy in this district. Even being returned back, as many ignorant and unprepared modern travellers.

Now you can travel on modern road, though to tell the truth, it not so modern (many places are not asphalted, the part of this road near At-Bashi served once as a runway in case of an attack from China).

Many tourists cross Торугарт, т.к the given pass is a round part on the Great Silk Way. Many people prefer to travel independently unaided round of operators. But here there can be problems. Technically Торугарт it is opened only for inhabitants of Kyrgyzstan and China, but probably to receive the special permission at the authorities in Urumchi for border crossing.

Special positions and remoteness of a boundary post can seem absolute obstacles for the ignorant independently travelling tourist. Tourists often returned back in the absence of necessary documents. In a counterbalance told, to some travellers carried also it somehow it was possible to cross border, breaking all possible rules. It is unpredictable, and we do not advise to risk. It it is possible to organise all another, more correct by.

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