Issyk Kul |
Issyk Kul in transfer from the Kirghiz means "hot lake" or with древнетюркского - "sacred, reserved lake". Issyk Kul - one of the largest and at the same time one of the deepest lakes on globe. It is located at height of 1607 m above sea level and occupies the space 6206 sq. km. Mountain ridges protect Issyk Kul from cold winds from the north and from hot breath of deserts of the Central Asia. On number of sunny days Issyk Kul does not concede, and even surpasses, the Black Sea coast.
Its maximum depth of 668 m. runs Into lake about 80 rivers and does not follow any. Therefore lake saltish, salinity of water - 5,8 %. As a whole in lake contains nearby 10 млрд т. Various salts, despite the fact that what the rivers running into it bear fresh waters with concentration of salts only 0,08-0,38/m3 Annually from a lake surface the sheet of water more than 80 sm that favours to accumulation of salts evaporates in the thickness.
Issyk Kul is sung in songs and verses of poets of the East since the most ancient times and up to now. It is famous for the unprecedented beauty, a crystal transparency of water, golden sand. Around - abundance of gardens, berry and mushroom places. And the small fish is found in lake. Here and well-known issyk-kulskie чебаки, and a mountain trout, weight reaching 32 kgs.
Issyk Kul makes softening impact on a region climate: here there is no exhausting heat and strong frosts. Water in lake transparent, especially in open deep-water parts. Thanks to a transparency water has exclusive blue, on a colour saturation in 3-4 times surpassing waters of the well-known lake of Geneva in Switzerland.
Various landscapes of bordering ridges perfectly contrast with blue of lake. The kind on Terskej-Alatoo - a ridge located in the south of a hollow, with capture of a part of a water smooth surface, is considered one of the most beautiful landscapes of the world. The known Russian geographer, first researcher Tjan-Shanja P.P.Semenov-Tjan-Shansky in 1856 wrote: "the Dark blue surface of Issyk Kul the sapphire colour can safely compete to so dark blue surface of lake of Geneva, but extensiveness of a reservoir gives it such grandness which lake of Geneva has no... That shining represents on a dark-blue background of the florid cloudless Central Asian continental sky the grey-haired heads poured by a sunlight tjan-shanskih giants".
The lake Issyk Kul long since involves with the prirodno-climatic conditions and unique beauty. A mountain-sea climate, pure air, an abundance of solar heat, medical минерализованная lake water, hot sources and a medical dirt strengthen health, relieve of illnesses.