Жалалабад - Kirghizia. The information about Жалалабад - sights and museums Жалалабад. Rest in Жалалабад. Hotels and hotels Zhalalabad


Жалалабад – the administrative, economic and cultural centre of Zhalalabadsky area. The city is located in the south of valley Кугарт, at a foot of mountain Babash Ата in the north.

Climate – dry, with hot summer, in the warm, solar autumn with rare storm rains, and in the warm winter with the raised humidity. The region is famous for rich crops of fruit and vegetables.

One of the main ways of the Great Silk Way passed through Жалалабад which hospitably accepted travellers within many centuries. To what results of the archeological excavations spent in remote areas Sajmaly-Tash and valley Чаткал testify. Travellers, dealers, tourists, pilgrims and ailing came to Zhalalabadsky area to take improving baths with the mineral sources, located on grief Ajub Тау, at height of 700 metres above sea level in three kilometres from a city. Жалалабад it is well-known for resorts with mineral sources. The legend says, that water from source Hozret-Ajub-Pajgambar cured лепру. Near to a source the tomb, then a mosque and after ханский a palace was no time. Resort Жалалабад is located on one of the hills towering over a city. In spite of the fact that mineral water on a resort of saltish taste, it uses huge popularity at the population.

At entrance on a resort at height of 1000 metres it is located by cafe to Calves Аю from which platform the fine kind on a city opens. The cafe represents the small complex including a gift shop, a bench with craft products and a platform for rest from which the panoramic kind on a city covered by green crones of trees opens. The resort offers visitors some kinds of mineral water.

In the Asian countries word Абад is used for the reference to the person who has based a city. It is considered, that Жалалабад the dyne, constructed a little каравансараев for service of travellers, mainly the pilgrims has been named in honour of Жалал a hell, arrived to visit sacred mountains.

In the beginning of 19 centuries the small Kokandsky fortress has been constructed, around a bark the small village (kishlak) has grown. Its inhabitants were engaged in agriculture, trade and rendered services to the pilgrims, arrived to visit medical resorts. In 1870 to area there have arrived the Russian migrants who have based a garrison city and military hospital.

Жалалабад was since olden days shopping centre where the cattle was on sale and bought, commercial transactions between farmers and nomads were made.

The vehicles harnessed лошадьми, strayed between walls of clay houses on narrow, twisting small streets of a city. Mosques have been decorated by a bright ornament. In 1916 the railway which has connected Andizhan and Жалалабад has been constructed. After an establishment in region of the Soviet power, resort zones have been updated, fast rates the agricultural and food industries began to develop. In 1950th years the city has been completely reconstructed.

For today in Жалалабаде the enterprises for manufacture of oil, building materials, деревообрабатывающей, electro-technical and the food-processing industry function. In Жалалабаде make a local delicacy so-called "nut jam", made of unripe nuts with a soft shell and honey. On a market in Жалалабаде the wide assortment of fresh fruit and nuts is presented.

In Жалалабаде as in all countries of the former Soviet Union there is a street named in honour of Lenin, there is also a fountain, названый in its honour, and a monument to Lenin V. I. In a city also there is a historical museum and a culture museum.

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