Talas |
Talas is the small known city located in a valley with the name with the same name. The Talassky valley is cut off by a chain of mountains from all other areas of Kyrgyzstan, and the most convenient route passes through Kazakhstan, but thus it is necessary to receive the visa. However probably to reach valleys through pass Teo-Ashuu, having curtailed on the north from main road Bishkek - Ош, after crossing of the Suusamyrsky valley. Talas is known as Earth Манаса, it is considered, what exactly here to be the birthplace of the legendary hero. From a city to be in several kilometres mausoleum Манаса. In the same place to be a museum devoted to history of creation of epos Манас which has been constructed to celebrating of 1000 anniversary Манаса in 1995. The museum is behind a hill which was used as viewing by the sentries protecting a valley. Archeologists have made a little enough interesting opening here, and there is an opinion, that the hill has been created by people that is not a special feat. There are also other signs of ancient strengthening and territory protection.
In the Talassky valley there are some mausoleums, and is very similar, that many of them are designed on the sample of this mausoleum.
There are 2 different opinions on an origin гумбеза. The first opinion, that his son Semetej has brought body Манаса here (in village Ahyrtash, near a river Kenkol mouth.) also has constructed here the mausoleum. According to other opinion, the mausoleum has been constructed by his wife, Каныкей, both its friend and the adviser, Бакаем and to prevent destruction by enemies Манаса, they have hung up an inscription over a door that is the mausoleum of the little girl.
Itself гумбез, consisting of one room, it is constructed in typical Asian style on the square basis with an octagonal pyramidal roof. It is represented on an underside 20 сомовой denominations. The bricklaying decorates a complex.
This territory was a part of the Chinese Empire as in 751 year incorporated armies of Arabs, кыргызов and тибетцев have inflicted defeat of the Chinese army in Talassky fight. Some time in China dynasty Тянг corrected. They have successfully returned themselves the earths which have been earlier lost and have strengthened the positions on the Tibetan border. In 740 years they have received the control over Kabul and Kashmir. In process of movement on the north and the West, being thus under the guidance of the Kao-hsin-rank (which has led army to a victory in Гилгите and Fergana) they have faced incorporated army and have suffered defeat in unique fight between the Arabian and Chinese armies. Actually, fight has taken place on the bank of the river Talas, near to the cities of Taraz (Dzhambul) in Kazakhstan. However for Chineses it was more than simply military defeat because among the prisoners detained after fight, there were many experts on manufacture of a paper and silk - two is careful хранимых a secret of Chineses, and soon these secrets have been opened in the west of Europe. Arabs also have very well developed Islam influence in the Central Asia, on the Great Silk Way even if they would not achieve returning of Chineses back to China.
In 1275 несторианский missionary Rabban Sauma travelled in the western direction on the Great Silk Way, and has met many priests. In Talas, in the north of the western Kyrgyzstan he has met Кьайди the Khan, бвоюродного the brother great Кублай the Khan. In Europe he has visited Vatican and there were English коралем Edward I in Bordeaux, France.
In the atlas made by Abram Kreskasom in the Palm tree-de-majorka, in Catalonia in 1375-77 the card of Kyrgyzstan on which the lake Issyk Kul and the cities of Jerusalem and Talas which have been designated as «sacred cities» for Jews has been represented has been presented.
This territory has been occupied in 9 century, but even when Russian have expanded settlement in 1864, it was less, than village. The present city has been found in 1877 as village Dmitrievsky. From the beginning there was about 100 houses constructed by immigrants which were engaged basically in agriculture. The church constructed of a brick in 1920 was the most significant building. In city centre and on the bank of the river the picturesque park is located.
In vicinities there are examples of rock paintings and петроглифов. Nearby in a direction on the northeast from a city (about 20 km) 3 parking lots of the ancient person - Кулан Сай, Terek Сай and Barrow Таш are located.
To the south from a city tremendous valley Бешташ (that in transfer from the Kirghiz means «5 Stones») - one of many valleys, expecting more brave traveller is located.
This region also is well-known for a deposit of the well-known modern Kirghiz writer – Чингиза Aitmatov who was born in small small village Шекер near the Uzbek border.