Naryn |
Naryn is a city extended by a narrow strip along the river Naryn running between high steppe rocks. More often Naryn serves as a stop for tourists on a way in or from Kashgar. Unfortunately, many western sources not so flatterly respond about a city.
The city of Naryn has been based in 1868 as Russian garrison city, and in a modern city the military utensils have remained not not enough.
The city name, according to a legend means the name of soup from a horse-flesh. Other sources say, that the name has occurred it of the Mongolian word which in transfer means "solar", or from the Chinese word "narrow".
In November, 1920 in a city there was a collision of soldiers by the revolutionary communist of the power and White army, under leadership of two generals. Collision has carried away set of lives and in memory of victims the government has erected a memorial in city centre.
Naryn lays at height of 2800 metres above sea level, in 350 km from Bishkek and 200 km from the Chinese border. Naryn is considered the coldest city in Kyrgyzstan, the mid-annual temperature here makes-6 ° C. Zama colds reach-40 ° C.Однако summer in Naryn hot and dusty. The city population makes 45000 persons, Naryn area of 260,000 inhabitants. 99.9 % of the population – Кыргызы, the basic language of dialogue - Kirghiz.
The river Naryn – the longest river in Kyrgyzstan (535 km). The river is known from an antiquity, its former name sounds as Cheese-darja. The river bears the waters to Aral sea, as well as Amu-Darja.
River Naryn water is used on an irrigation, also the river possesses considerable power resources, on it the Toktogulsky HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION, Tash-Kumyrsky HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION, Uchkurgansky HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION, Kurpsajsky HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION with corresponding water basins are located.
Naryn is located at height of 2500 m above sea level, on the bank of the river with the same name, on crossing of an automobile line Bishkek-Torugart. The city of Naryn is regional and regional cultural-administrative centre, the Naryn state university, museum of local lore both musical drama and national theatre "Манас Руху" here is located.
Here lives about 40 000 inhabitants. For visitors of a city it will be interesting to observe for growing dumb to itself equal a high-mountainous landscape surrounding a city. Naryn name access to collars of China. The cultural riches and hospitality нарынчан is of interest.
Since 1927 the city is an administrative centre of Naryn area and area. The history of occurrence of a city leaves in centuries, it has been constructed near to the strengthening standing on a trading way to Kashgar. Now it is in east part of the Srednenarynsky valley at height of 2020-2040 metres above sea level at bottom Naryn-Too. The basic part of territory is extended by a narrow strip along southern coast of the river Naryn, except for small east part of a city passing to northern coast. In 180 km to the south railway station Balykchy is located. Distance to a check-point «Торугарт» on border from the Peoples Republic of China of 186 km.
Climate sharply continental, droughty. Winter cold, long duration of 145-165 days. Average temperature of January - 17°С, sometimes to-25 °-38°С. Summer dry, moderately warm. Average temperature of July + 18°С. Mid-annual quantity of deposits of 250-300 mm.
The basic religion Islam. In a city serving areas and areas, and also regional and regional administrative structures of the ministries and departments settle down public and economic the organisations. Customs "Торугарт" office, consular department Ministry of Foreign Affairs KR Here settles down. In a city there are travel companies and hotels such as: «Heavenly mountains», «It is scarlet-too,« Kerme-Too, a zone of rest "Salkyn-Tor" with a hotel complex. Freely economic zone "Naryn" concerns a city as.