History of Nepal. Nepal

History of Nepal

The written history of Nepal began with Кирати which have come in 7th or 8th century B.C. from the east. Besides, that they have succeeded in farming and liked to carry long knifes, about them almost it is not known. It was when the Buddhism has come to Nepal - the Buddha and its pupil Anand have visited a valley of Katmandu and remained in Patan. Further the Buddhism in this region was partially replaced Индуизмом, come of northern India. Hindus have brought still existing exclusive system and classical forms of Nepalese art and architecture.

About 879 years Nepal dynasty Тхакири corrects. It was the period of instability named "Dark Age". However, despite earthquakes, external wars and enmity between independent cities of Katmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur, dynasty Тхакири prospered and has reached the blossoming in 15th century.

Under leadership Притхви Нараян the Shah, Горкхи have started to win a valley. After 27 years of gains, in 1768, they have made Katmandu the capital. The kingdom extended, the army increased the military power up to war with Tibet in 1792. Following military actions for the territory are dated 1814, this time with the British kingdom. Nepaleses as a result of this war were повержены and have signed in 1816 the Sagualsky contract according to which Sikkim and majority Тераи departed British Empire (some earths further have been returned in exchange for the help of Nepaleses in suppression of the Indian mutiny of 1857).

The dynasty the Shah continued to increase actively the power within first half 19th century - to a terrible slaughter-house in 1846г. Using that the ruling family has been shipped in palace intrigues, Джанг Бахадур has grasped some honeycombs of people when they have gathered in a court yard the Cat, has proclaimed itself the prime minister till the end of a life and has made a delegation of power hereditary. Next century the Wound have built up a huge palace in Katmandu while all population lived in full нищите.

The mode the Wound has ended soon after the Second World War. With the assistance of British and мперии frontiers in 1951г have been fixed., the government consisting of members of a dynasty the Wound and members of again generated Party of the Congress is generated. But such compromise lasted not for long. After games with democratic elections King Mahendra (the son and successor Tribhuvana) has decided, that the system "панчаат" most approaches for Nepal. The king has appointed the prime minister, an office and National meeting which carried out to its policy. Real force there was only one "party" - the King.

Corruption, use of the foreign financial help by exclusively top of the power proceeded to 1989. After several years of difficulties and sufferings under weight of trading embargo the well-known revolt named "National Moving" has flashed. The next months arrests, tortures and executions of hundreds people have followed. All it has too obviously shown to king Birende presence in the country of real force. It has dispersed an office, has legalised political parties and has invited opposition to generate provisional government "панчаат".

Transition to democracy has passed easy, and in 1991 Party of the Congress and Communist party of Nepal have received the majority of voices. It became clear later, that the establishment of democratic system of board is very difficult task - especially if the country does this for the first time. The further development of Nepal is characterised by weak economy, a high rate of unemployment and mass illiteracy of the population.

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