Communication in Nepal. Nepal

Communication in Nepal

Call boxes are accessible only in capital and other large cities. Abroad most easier to call from a public telephone booth (are opened usually from Monday till Thursday from 09.00 till, on Friday - from 09.00 till) or from hotel though the devices having an exit on an international telecommunication (are located in halls of banks, shops and large establishments on which there is a tablet "ISD/IDD/STD") recently began to appear. Calls are paid for minutes, seconds are approximated in the big party. Cost of 1 minute of telephone conversation with Moscow from a public telephone booth of 180-200 rupees, from hotels is a little bit more expensive.

The international code of the country - 977. A proceeding international code - 00. Codes of some cities: Ачхам, Баджура - 97, Bhaktapur, Katmandu, Lalitpur - 1, Баглунг - 68, Байтади - 95, Бандипур - 65, Beni, the Mustang - 69, Биратнагар - 21, Биргандж - 51, Бхадрапур, Дамак - 23, Бхаратпур - 56, Бхайрахава - 71, Бходжпур, Чайнпур - 29, Горкха - 64, Гумли - 79, Джанакпур - 41, Джумла - 91, Кришнанагар - 76, Махендранагар - 99, Навалпараси - 78, Панчтхар - 24, Непалгандж - 81, Окхалдхунга - 37, Покхара - 61, Раджапур - 84, Силгархи - 94, Udaipur - 35, Хумла - 87, Чарикот - 49.

Help phones

Tourism department - (1 247-041.
The central Office of Immigration 494-273, 494-337 (Katmandus), 21-167 (Покхара).
The ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aircraft - (1 247-041, 247-037, 256-228.
Archeology management, Katmandu - (1 215-358.
Nepalese Association of Mountaineering (NMA) - (1 434-525.
The central post office of Katmandu - (1 227-499, 240-018.
Aeroflot office in Katmandu - (1 226-161, 227-399.

Emergency services

Tourist police - (1 22-018.
The Himalaya Community of Rescuers - (1 418-755.

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