Culture of Nepal. Nepal

Culture of Nepal

Невары in a valley of Katmandu have lifted architecture and a sculpture, and also processing of a tree and metals on unknown высотую. Living on a great trading way, they with readiness perceived the Indian influence and transferred further the achievements: the temple-pagoda has arisen in Nepal, the majority of statues in monasteries of Tibet are made by masters of Patan.


Masons created statues, the patten columns decorated with a lacy carving чайтья, magnificent fountains, uncountable лингамы. Already in an extreme antiquity under the Indian influence (style Гуптов) there are original masterpieces. Some statues of an epoch личчхавов and have to this day no contenders among art monuments of a valley of Katmandu. Now skilful carvers on a stone in Nepal almost does not remain, as there is no demand for this speciality. Only occasionally there is a requirement for restoration of ancient monuments.

Processing of metals

Диапозон here it is wide – from a rough copper jug for water to the gilt statue in a temple. Metal statues from Patan all over the world are famous. At first them did basically of bronze, later more often from a brass. The highest blossoming this art has reached in XiV-Xvvv., but also today magnificent products are created. Here on – former the technics of "the lost wax” is applied: the figure is made of wax and covered with clay. Then wax is melted, and the turned out cavity is filled in with liquid metal (thus the clay core so the statue remains hollow is entered into the middle). Having released a statue from clay, it grind and polish, cover with gilding or paint, and especially expensive copies decorate jewels.


As the tradition of theatre or the Chinese shades does not exist, in the important way visually to represent gods and sacred and to make more intelligibly religious representations painting is. Images of gods hang up not only in temples, but also houses - as the talismans bringing happiness. Pictures serve as a theme for meditation and is frequent – the grant to the teacher and the instructor. They represent scenes from a life of this or that god, history of construction of a palace or a temple or monastic order history. These неварские painting products are called “паубха” - them has remained very little, and they are stored in monastic libraries and paraded only in especially important occasions.

Тханка – on in advance prepared canvas paints from colours or кореньев, from a powder of colour and semiprecious stones write a picture with a characteristic shelkovo-matte surface. The paint for thin lines of drawing or deity ornaments becomes from a gold powder. Souvenir тханки are written basically by distemper which is easy for identifying on a brilliant surface, and gold is replaced with a yellow paint.

Music and dances

It too the form of expression of divine worship. Бхаджан - one of few musical forms under whom do not dance. The group of men – неваров sits on the open area before a temple and with deep feeling sings sacred church chanting under harmonium sounds, табла (инд. Drums) and cymbals.

Religious music serves first of all as accompaniment to dances ряженых on the big autumn holidays or to ritual dances of clerics in неварских монасьтырях.

The basic national tool – small, adhered to a stomach, a drum. When porters, soldiers or teenagers will gather for a sit-round gathering in the evening in village, somebody starts to beat off rhythms and to sing a popular melody – and soon to it all join the others. Often it is a song - the improvisation which refrain know all. Singers by turns tell that excites them, and a refrain sing all together. Quite often the song passes in dance. Many tribes, from тхару in тераях to шерпов in the Himalayas, have own, absolutely special dances for harvesting, wedding and other occasions. 

Traditional wooden and brick architecture

Nepal is the native land of temples-pagodas with hanging the friend over the friend roofs number to five. This type of temples-pagodas has arisen in XIIв. Thanks to the architect by name of Арнико.

In due course the artist of the business have invited to work to China, it there married and remained for ever. Already from China this type of a temple has extended to the Japan.

Mortar - also purely Nepalese form of architecture (for example, Сваямбунатх).

Чайтья are the small mortars which were settling down originally in court yard of Buddhist monasteries. Only later believing steels to erect them and in other places, more often in memory of the died. Чайтья usually narrower and pointed, than traditional mortars.

Often ornated, with images of the Buddha, they are almost in each court yard on the uncountable small areas and are always focused on parts of the world.

Бахал is typical неварский a Buddhist monastery, the centre of a religious life of a community. Sanctuaries and premises surround a deep court yard in the middle of which there is a small temple. The basic sanctuary is located opposite to an input.

Hindu temples also often stand in the centre of a square court yard. In buildings around (саттал) there live priests and musicians, half-open halls on the ground floor (патти) serve as a haven to pilgrims and visitors or are used for carrying out of ceremonies or preparation of temple holidays. These halls now usually close a tree or plastic, and they serve as dwelling poor.

Completely sharply pointed temples often meeting in northern India up are under construction of a stone шикхара, the palaces similar on architecture on temples – pagodas, and private houses. Combining a reddish brick and dark саловую wood, неварские architects were able to combine with the big art engineering complexities with filigree furnish. Each bearing beam is decorated by a rich carving, and wooden arms which should maintain huge weight of several roofs, are from top to bottom covered by images of gods and goddesses, genre scenes and a flower ornament so seem easy and graceful.

Top of art of woodcarving are multilayered doorframes in temples both the ornated windows and bay windows in palaces and rich apartment houses.

Though firm wood differs high durability, nevertheless because of earthquakes and fires the little up to now has remained. The majority of the remained buildings age no more than 300-400 years.

For Nepalese architecture it is typical торана – an arch over a door crosspiece of a portal which, however, is not a wall part, and hangs before it. Тораны are always decorated by a rich figured carving, usually with the image of deities of the given sanctuary in the composition centre.

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