Money in Nepal |
Nepalese rupee (NRs, NPR), equal 100 пайсам. In circulation there are banknotes face value in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 rupees, coins in 1, 2 and 5 rupees, and also in 5, 10, 25 and 50 пайса. Coins are used all less often.
Banks are opened From Monday till Thursday with 09:00-10:00 to 14:00-14:30, on Friday – from 10:00 till. The Day off – Saturday. Official exchange offices work usually from 09:00 till, many without days off.
The exchange rate of Nepalese rupee is rigidly adhered to the Indian. The official rate is defined by the state bank "Nepal Rastra Bank" and published in daily newspapers.
The currency can be exchanged in banks and the specialised licensed exchange offices (in some for an exchange the commission is raised, but the inquiry "Foreign Exchange Encashment Receipt" on which at the airport at a start from the country the return exchange to 15 % from the sum is carried out stands out). On land frontier transitions return exchange is impossible.
It is possible to exchange money informally – the black currency market, despite an official interdiction, functions actively and openly. The course in that case approximately on 10 % is more favourable current bank, but anybody does not give out any inquiries. Also the majority of foreign currencies, including Indian rupees for payment is accepted, but in internal areas to pay off with currency it is practically impossible.
The majority of traveller's cheques without problems are accepted in large banks of Katmandu and Покхара, but some banks and agencies accept only checks of the largest international companies. Also they cannot be used at direct payments. Payment on credit cards of the basic world systems is accepted by hotels and shops in Katmandu and Покхаре, and also branches "Nepal Grindlays Вank" on all country, but usually the goods price thus a little above, than at cash payment, or 2 % of commission fee are raised.