Kitchen of Nepal. Nepal

Kitchen of Nepal

In Nepalese cookery many east traditions peculiar to other countries of Asia - popularity of rice, spices etc. However is in Nepal and the special dishes, and traditions of preparation of many of them are connected by that the most part of territory of the country is located on high mountains.

The culture, customs and, of course, kitchen of southern Nepal have developed under the big influence of India on which this region borders. In the south eat a lot of rice, vegetables and spices. Rice, as a rule, use oblong, Indian, instead of round. Rice for Nepaleses - the main meal though they eat also a potato.

A variety of local spices surprisingly. As seasonings use burning red pepper, a yellow saffron, spicy куркуму, ginger and cardamom, a nutmeg etc. However, unlike Indians Nepalese dishes not such sharp. Especially in the high-mountainous north. Here, by the way, eat more meat which basically is not so extended at the religious population of kingdom.

The overwhelming majority of citizens of Nepal - индуисты and Buddhists whom it is strictly forbidden to use in food meat. However some radical people of Nepal, for example шерпы which use all climbing expeditions as porters, eat meat both house, and wild animals. Especially it is necessary to mention the yaks giving to mountaineers a wool and milk. Meat of these animals slightly rigid on taste (something reminds лосятину or bear's flesh), but very high-calorie and giving the forces necessary in the conditions of high mountains. Meat of yaks is frequent dry, and then add in various dishes.

The most widespread food in the country - a distance ват таркари, rice with vegetables and bean putty. Or simply distance. Eat this dish with fruit, spices, eggs and fish who is found in the fast Nepalese rivers much.

And here soups in Nepal do not favour - they are absent in the menu паджанале (local cafes). But in паджанале it is possible to try мамо, or as they diminutively-laskatelno name Nepaleses, мамацо - large pelmeni with a stuffing from the mutton forcemeat and the spices, preparing to others, than in Russia, way - on pair. So prepare usually манты in the Central Asian countries. Stand мамо, as well as all food in Nepal, very cheaply. Is better to try мамо at known enough restaurant "Нангло" located in the centre of Katmandu. The full dinner on a four, consisting of the big portions of Nepalese pelmeni, salads and several small bottles джанджа (house local beer) will manage in $10. By a dinner it is recommended to order a little рокси - the Nepalese rice vodka which fortress considerably exceeds in some cases of 40 degrees. To finish a meal it is possible for a harmony - a sweet farinaceous dish, and magnificent Nepalese tea.

Indigenous peoples of Nepal - магары, шерпы, лимбу and others - with pleasure eat in the winter a dish from a butter flavoured with rough sugar. In a severe mountain climate this meal well supports forces. In mountain districts Nepaleses use corn in food.

Сель - a certain similarity of doughnuts from a rice flour. Usually them fry for the big holidays which in Nepal suffices. For example, on Нававашу, the Nepalese New year marked on all country in the second week of April. In small place Лумбини on border with India also in April celebrate birthday of the Buddha. And in July-August индуисты widely mark a feast and processions Кришнастами - birthday of the God of Krishna. In October and November light and meal Festival accompanies holiday Тихар, in each of which five days especially esteem serially goddesses of riches, relatives, cows, a raven and dogs.

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