It is useful to know |
At purchases it is recommended to have on hands as much as possible small denominations. Coins practically have no circulation (them use only on подношения in temples). Small dealers, rickshaws and taxi drivers usually are at a loss to give delivery from large denominations. It is not necessary to accept the torn or dirty denominations at an exchange or for delivery (and such here considerable quantity) - most likely at the foreigner in their other place simply will not accept for payment.
Indian rupees, as well as US dollars, have wide circulation on a market rate. Foreigners (except citizens of India) are obliged to pay air tickets, permissions on треккинг, accounts of hotels etc. In a foreign currency or in the rupees received in exchange for hard currency (for acknowledgement of this fact the inquiry "Foreign Exchange Encashment Receipt" though many hotels ignore this rule can be demanded).
Nepal - safe enough country. Larceny is not accepted (but also to leave things without supervision does not follow - in that case on local norms "they simply nobody's"). Violence cases in relation to foreigners are extremely rare, and not numerous conflicts to local residents are connected, basically, with rough non-observance of local norms or their open insult.
During festivals, especially in small towns, it is closed there is practically all. Also it is not necessary to expect from the Nepalese of punctuality or exact observance of the arrangement - concepts about time and promptness at them original enough.
Drugs (especially marihuana and hashish) are readily available, but their use, transportation or storage will unconditionally lead to imprisonment or to dispatch from the country. Hashish smoking is authorised during religious holidays, and only in territory of temples (itself Шива used hashish for trance achievement).
Outside of capital potable water is often polluted, therefore always it is necessary to use only бутилированной water. The use of foods from street trays, and also the fruit dirty or not cleared of a peel, is fraught with gastric frustration.
On большей parts of territory of the country "high-rise illness", especially proving is extended at ascensions or, at unprepared tourists, even on треккинговых routes at heights from 2500 m. Therefore at employment by active kinds of rest gradual acclimatisation is recommended. Darkens in mountains very quickly - in any 30-40 minutes twilight passes in full darkness.
For campaigns the strong footwear with good support голеностопа, warm clothes with good protection against a wind for mountain areas and easy cotton clothes plus a cap with the big peak or a hat - for flat is recommended. The sunlight the extremely intensive, is required protection in the form of corresponding clothes and creams (not numerous usually clouds at all do not reduce ultra-violet radiation). Sun glasses (necessarily glass) in mountain areas should have lateral шторки to block reflected light.
At a trip to national parks it is necessary to be reserved by dense clothes with water-repellent impregnation, and as in jungle many blood-sicking insects including pincers, are recommended "taiga" clothes as much as possible closing a body and москитные grids.
Tip is admissible, but are not obligatory. At restaurants and in a taxi practically always hand over delivery and to show, that service was pleasant, it is necessary to give a sign to the waiter (negative rocking by a head or similar gesture by a hand with instructions on money), that delivery it is not necessary.
To bargain it is possible and it is necessary practically everywhere, except large shops, where the prices fixed. At the competent approach it is possible to bring down the price literally in times.
Pressure in the electric system 220 В, 50 Hz. In many areas of an electricity simply is not present, and hotels and лоджи in internal areas use solar batteries and diesel engines-generators which give out a current in a range 110-230 V.Holodilniki for this reason are rare even in expensive hotels.
In the country rigid enough rules of the organisation треккинга and ascensions are entered. The visa as that extends only on area Teraev, a valley of Katmandu and Покхара, and also on the majority of the cities connected by the main roads. All tourists, wishing to make a track on mountain areas of Nepal, should receive the registration certificate (Trekking Registration Certificate, its cost makes about 250 rupees), and the group should передвигатья on a route only accompanied by the local guide or accompanying from the travel agency which has given out certificates. A number of areas in general is forbidden for треккинга, and for visiting of others it is required to issue the separate permission ("trekking permit") in immigration Department (2 photos of a passport format and the paid gathering in Nepalese rupees - depending on term of stay in mountains be required and area of an ascension the size of gathering fluctuates from $10 to $700 a week). Areas Annapurny, the Everest, Лангтанга and Рара officially do not demand permission registration, but local authorities under that or other pretext all the same raise various gathering on the route organisation. The entrance fee also is raised from visitors of national parks and reserves (from 500 to 2000 rupees for the person in day). Восходители should pay separately the right to rise on tops above certain level (the gathering sums usually exceed some honeycombs of dollars).
Insistently it is recommended to organise треккинг only through officially accredited agencies. The route should be carried out only in one concrete place or area on which permission action extends. Tourists should follow only on in advance co-ordinated route. On a route official guides and porters should accompany group only.
Categorically it is forbidden to cut green plantings and to kill representatives of fauna. It is necessary to prefer hotels and лоджам which do not use fire wood as fuel (in mountains everywhere heat manure). It is authorised to use only the established toilets and the resolved places for bathing. If those are not present available it is necessary to arrange a toilet on distance not less than 30 m. from any reservoirs or water sources.