Customs in Nepal |
No restrictions on import and export of a foreign currency are present (the declaration of the large sums is obligatory). The Nepalese rupee cannot be imported and taken out from Nepal, the currency can be обменена in Nepal, to make it it is possible only at flying away from the international airport of Katmandu and only for the sum no more than 15 % from that, that is specified in bank inquiries in an exchange. On land boundary transitions the return exchange is impossible, there is an inquiry or not.
On point of entrance to the country all luggage is subject to careful examination. Duty-free import to 100 cigarettes or 25 cigars, to 1,5 l of alcoholic drinks or 12 cans of beer, to 15 coils of a film and personal things Is authorised. 1 film-and a videocamera, 1 radio receiver, 1 tape recorder, 1 bicycle, a watch, 1 set of recording handles are separately made out, to 15 audiocassettes and the electronic goods - import of these subjects is possible only under condition of their declaring and return export from the country.
Import of drugs, the weapon and military equipment is strictly forbidden. Export of gold, silver, jewels, wild animals, their skins and horns, drugs and raw materials for their manufacture is forbidden. Tourists can take out souvenirs (with special certificates it is possible to take out and subjects of antiques at the age of no more than 100 years). Export of any metal statues, icons and the pictures representing gods, is resolved only under the permission of Department of Archeology of Nepal.