History of Tajikistan |
Today, looking to developing independent Tajikistan, also you will not tell, what sated and bright history remained behind shoulders of these unique people.
Settling of today's territory of Tajikistan has begun still from time immemorial.
(X-VII millenia B.C.) concern mesolit two occupation layers of settlement Tutkaul found by archeologists about Nurek. Settling of high mountains has begun in the Stone Age. Parking of vagrant hunters testifies to it – Ошхона - on East Pamir, at height of 4200 m. In the Mine grotto are found out the rock paintings concerning by an early neolith; on them the animals pierced with arrows, and figures of hunters are represented. Ancestors of Tadjiks were engaged not only hunting, but cattle breeding and agriculture.
The political system history in Tajikistan reckons from first half I millenium BC when there were the most ancient slaveholding states of Central Asia - Bactria and Согд. Bactria included central, southern and east parts of modern Tajikistan (to the south and the southeast from Hissar mountains), and Согд - pool Zeravshana, Кашкадарьи and the areas laying to the north of Hissar mountains.
In VI century B.C. Bactria and Согд have been won by Persian tsar Kirom and have entered into its powerful empire Ahemenidov.
Further the train of aggressive wars in which result in IV century B.C. these fertile earths became a part of the state of Alexander the Great, in III century BC the states Selevkidov follows. Later the structure of the Selevkidsky state leaves the Greek-Baktrijsky kingdom where the territory of modern Tajikistan has entered.
In the middle of II century local tribes are released from a hated Greek yoke. With it they are helped by alien nomad tribes – тохары. They become legislators of a political life of the country. And since IV century Bactria began to be called Тохаристаном. By the way, according to scientists, during this moment the Tadjik nationality starts to be formed.
After Тохаристан together with mostly territory of Central Asia, Afghanistan and Northern India enters into empire Kushanov, the new page in history of this distressful state begins. Injection in the Kushansky kingdom was well reflected in development of the Central Asian tribes. In these of year the culture blossoms, the economy worries unknown lifting, trade with the Eastern Europe, Rome, China is conducted.
In VI century on большей territories of Central Asia the power Turkic каганата was established.
The society during this moment already completely becomes feudal: shares on aristocracy and the lower class. This process well influences culture blossoming.
Second half VII centuries - new page in history of Central Asia. Invasion of Arabs and their full rooting here. Having appeared under oppression Arabian халифата the people of Central Asia began to struggle actively for freedom from violently planting of alien culture, religion, language, unreasonable taxes and so forth At this time there is a name "Tadjik". It designates "crowned", or «the person of a noble family».
In IX-X centuries there comes legendary epoch Саманидов. Workmanship and trade, and also, a science, the literature and art prosper. They develop in a state language which we and name today Tadjik.
In X-XIII centuries the territory of Tajikistan was a part of many states: Газневидов, Караханидов, Каракитаев. And in XIII century after invasion of the Chingiz-khan the territory of Tajikistan has entered in Chagatajsky улус the Mongolian state.
In XIV - XV century Tajikistan has appeared as a part of the huge state Timuridov. Science blossoming also concerns this time, in particular astronomies, literatures, arts.
In XVI century the territory of Tajikistan already is in the property of other state - Шейбанидов with capital in Bukhara. During this period Bukhara and Khivan khanates, and later, in XVIII century, - Kokandsky khanate were formed. In them khans from the Uzbek dynasties corrected.
Tadjiks lived mainly in Bukhara and Kokandsky khanates. Khanates constantly were at enmity among themselves, waged interstine wars. Class stratification of a society has amplified. To all to it there comes the end in 1868 when Tajikistan is a part of Russian empire as a part Turkestani the general of a-governorship. Northern part of the country has been attached to Russia, and a southern part – Bukhara эмират - remained in vassal dependence on Russia.
In 1895 the Russian-English agreement had been established border Bukhara эмирата with Afghanistan on Пянджу in Бадахшане. Southeast and central parts of modern Tajikistan - East Bukhara and the Western Pamir - remained as a part of Bukhara эмирата, and left-bank Дарваз, left-bank parts Вахана, Ишкашима, Шугнана, Рушана in Бадахшане have departed to Afghanistan.
On the one hand joining to Russia gave many advantages economic, political and cultural. But on the other hand Tadjiks, as well as other people of Central Asia, have appeared under double oppression: the exploiters and imperial autocracy from Russia. Therefore during this period the set of national-liberation revolts flashes.
In northern areas of Tajikistan which were a part of Turkestan, the Soviet power has been established in November, 1917 In the beginning of September 1920 г was свергнута the power of the emir to Bukhara and the Bukhara national Soviet republic is formed. In 1924 as a result of national-territorial delimitation of Central Asia it has been formed Tadjik АССР as a part of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. The republic territory included 12 volosts of Turkestani edge, East Bukhara and a part of Pamir. The basic political and cultural centres - Bukhara and Samarkand - remained in borders of the Soviet Uzbekistan. On December, 5th, 1229 Tadjik АССР it has been transformed to one of republics of Soviet Union.
On September, 9th, 1991 Tajikistan declares the independence. The beginning of a new life, nevertheless, was marked by the beginning of civil war which with horror is recollected till now by all citizens of republic. Only in 1997 between the basic contenders the agreement on an establishment of the world and the national consent has been entered into.
Today Tajikistan – the independent democratic state as which recognised 117 countries of the world. The country – the full member of the United Nations and of some other international organisations.