Weather and climate of Tajikistan |
Moderated, sharply continental, dry. January temperatures in valleys fluctuate from 0 With to +2 With, in high mountains fall to-27 C, July temperatures in valleys fluctuate from +23 With to +30 C, in mountains - from +4 With to +15 S.Osadkov on plains drops out from 70 mm. On east Pamir to 1600 mm. On southern slopes of Hissar mountains (to 3000 mm. In high mountains).
The maximum of deposits is necessary for the winter and spring, in the summer and in the autumn rains go seldom. From October till May in mountains there are severe snow-storms (the temperature can go down to-45 C, doing ascensions almost невозможнми), and on plains strong sandy storms fall to the period from June till October. These winds can last on a week and more, that it is necessary to consider necessarily at travel planning.