Culture of Tajikistan |
Let's begin with that Tadjiks – very ancient nation. Hence, the culture of these people is rather original and originates in an extreme antiquity. Tadjiks have managed to keep traditions and customs of the people on which, in turn, and all cultural life of the nation is constructed.
Cult constructions and the finds testifying to prospering cultural development concern to VI - V centuries BC It is art metal wares, a stone, a terracotta. Excavation near Пенджикента has found out inhabited and cult constructions, remarkable monumental lists, a sculpture, concerning to VII-VIII centuries
And what magnificent samples of architecture represent ancient mosques! Their wall lists are present works of art.
Tadjiks always aspired to world knowledge. And this experience reflected in a science, the literature, art. Especially quiveringly Tadjiks concern the native language. In the millenia they carefully stored it, transferring from generation to generation, like a relic, not deforming and not introducing anything foreign. The Arabian conquerors have practically destroyed original language of Tadjiks - give. However, Tadjiks managed to return to it former magnificence. And on it true masterpieces of the Tadjik classics again have begun to sound: fiction, songs, scientific treatises, etc. writing.
All it means that to Tadjiks bent for was always peculiar to culture, the art, all beautiful, aesthetic, thin and graceful. They always were the educated people singing of the vision of the world.
But the period of board of the state Samanidov (874-1005 AD), especially board Ismaila Samani time became the culmination of cultural development of the Tadjik people. During this moment magnificent colour the science, the literature, astronomy, mathematics, natural sciences, philosophy blossoms. Исмаил Самани, being образованнейшим the person, has created in the state favorable conditions for cultural blossoming. This time still name «the Golden Age of the Tadjik civilisation». At court yard Исмаила Самани the best scientists, writers, philosophers, poets, astronomers, painters, alchemists have been collected. Palace doors were always open for the visitors, bringing news of development of world culture.
Names of such nuggets as Ibn-Sino, Abu-Rajhan Беруний, It is scarlet-horezmy, Имом Термезий, Фараби, Рудакий, Фирдоуси, Саади, Khayyam's Lobster today are world renowned. And after all they lived and created in territory of the modern states of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Tadjiks very validly concern that epoch when actually and the Tadjik nation with common language, territory and culture was generated.
In 1999 celebrating of the 1100 anniversary of the state Samanidov became a grandiose holiday for all country. In days of celebrating symposiums and the international conferences, not only in Tajikistan, but also in many cities of the world have taken place.
Dushanbe in many respects is also cultural capital of republic. Here various international festivals of kinds of arts are annually held: music, dance, cinema, folklore and many other things.
Modern cultural life of Tajikistan it is impossible to present without the State opera and ballet theatre of Айни, Tadjik drama theatre of Лахути, Russian drama theatre, Academy of sciences, the state universities, historical museums, museums of the fine arts, botanical gardens and other cultural institutions.