Kitchen of Tajikistan |
Tadjiks by right are proud of the ethnic cuisine and consider its as one of the most attractive factors for tourism development. Culinary art of the Tadjik people was formed within many centuries under the influence of rich history of edge. The seminomadic way of life assumes an abundance meat and farinaceous dishes. Certainly, the ethnic cuisine of Tadjiks is similar to cookery of others центральноазиатских the countries, however nevertheless has the features expressed in the technician preparation, processing of products and certainly taste. We will spend small digression on the Tadjik national kitchen and we will acquaint you with the basic dishes that your culinary choice was realised.
Meat dishes
Meat dishes, basically, prepare from mutton, козлятины. Pork Tadjiks as Moslems, do not eat at all. Very popularly horse meat. Of it do sausage «казы». Meat before cooking always preliminary fry before occurrence of a ruddy crust. So the dish gets unique aroma. It is considered to be meat dishes the second dishes more: shish kebabs, кабоб, a stuffed cabbage, roast, a bird and game.
Shish kebabs in the Tajik cuisine – excellent. There are some their versions: ground (from рубленого meat), lumpy, vegetable. Prepare them more often from mutton, but also from beef. But it is obligatory with use курдючного fat.
Here is how the classical shish kebab prepares on-tadzhikski.
Pulp of mutton and курдючное fat cut slices, pickle onions, spices and a lemon juice. Meat leave at 2-3 o'clock in a cool place. Then string on skewers (a meat slice alternate to fat) and to fry on the heated coals. Separately on skewers bake ripe tomatoes. A ready shish kebab again to water with a lemon juice and a tax to a table together with baked tomatoes.
Кабобы – a specific Tadjik dish. Prepares from ground meat (mutton). Gentle mutton mill together with onions, add spices, salt, pepper. Of the received weight form колбаски. Them обваливают in a flour also fry in fat to a crust. Separately brown the onions cut by rings. In onions put semiready кабоб, add a meat broth and extinguish to readiness. At giving strew greens and garlic.
Roast in a Tajik cuisine is called «каурдак». It Also prepares a little in another way.
The fat mutton cut with stones, is fried with addition of fresh tomatoes, filled in with water and extinguished with a potato, in the end of cooking put browned коренья and an onions, salt, pepper and extinguish on weak fire.
Шахлет – a stuffed cabbage on-tadzhikski: the beef meat crushed on a meat grinder, fry with onions and mix with boiled rice, forcemeat turn in internal fat; a stuffed cabbage fastens a thread and boils in a broth. Submit with the swept away sauce.
Special place at all in cookery, and in the Tadjik culture in general are пловы.
Firm плов on-tadzhikski is ugro-plov. Meat cut pieces, fry with an onions and the carrots cut by straws, fill in with a broth and cook to semireadiness. Noodles from the fresh test roast in an oven to golden-yellow, cool and pound till the size of rice grains, wash out cold water, put in ware with the fried meat and cook to readiness. At giving strew green onions.
Besides пловов porridges with meat are very popular also. For example osh-tuglama. Carrots boil entirely with the big piece of mutton; Crude carrots fry on курдючном fat to semireadiness in a copper with an onions and the carrots cut by straws, and fill in with a broth. Then put rice, a copper close a cover and lead up a dish to readiness. Boiled meat and carrots шинкуют straws, at giving stack on rice and strew рубленым green onions. Объедение!
Prepare for that plentifully fill the majority of dishes of a Tajik cuisine with onions, spices, greens, sour milk (катыком). Spices are widely applied: red pepper, зира, a barberry, an anise, a saffron, etc. Spicy greens (a coriander, fennel, parsley, mint, райхон, green onions, щавель, etc.) in the crushed kind add to the salads, the first and second dishes, and also to sour milk (айрану) with which wash down meat dishes.
Products from the test
Flour products also are very favourite by Tadjiks. Women skilfully prepare flat cakes, лагман, угро, caмбуса, brushwood, etc. the Dough at mistresses turns out the most thin. And in a finished article simply thaws in a mouth. Tadjiks for preparation of farinaceous dishes use fresh and a yeast dough. Traditional Tadjik bread are flat cakes. Them prepare from barmy simple and rich, fresh simple and fancy pastry. Bake flat cakes in тандырах – clay furnaces with use of fire wood.
The structure of farinaceous dishes includes meat, vegetables, greens, spices, dairy products, eggs. Meat farinaceous dishes are манты, every possible kinds of noodles with meat (шима, лагман), pies with forcemeat (самбуса). There is in a Tajik cuisine an especial dish - хушан (Tadjik манты with нутом). The dough and meat combine - шима and манпар. Here is more detailed about these dishes …
Самбуса barracks (Pies puff Tadjik)
From a flour, eggs, salt, water the abrupt dough is kneaded. Then by a thin layer are unrolled in the big flat cakes, them oil, braid in a kind рулета, then again cut and again unroll. On the unrolled dough put forcemeat (mutton with small cut fat + spices) and mould triangular pies. Present самбусу bake in тандыре. It turns out multilayered, fragrant, juicy and very tasty!
Катлама (Flat cakes puff)
The abrupt fresh dough unroll, smear with fat, turn off an envelope. And so some times. Last time unroll a layer, turn off рулет and cut on slices. Them again unroll and fry in boiling oil.
Pelmeni with greens on-tadzhikski
The fresh dough roll a thin layer, cut on squares. On each small square put a stuffing (the crushed greens of a coriander, parsley, райхона, щавеля, the green onions, salted and peppered). Edges pinch and prepare on pair. Submit with sour milk or sour cream.
Пилита (brushwood)
The sour dough undress on equal pieces and unroll strips in length 60 70 see Each strip put half-and-half and bind, then fry in a fat considerable quantity. Finished articles in a hot kind strew powdered sugar.
Tuhum-barrack (a product from the test)
The fresh dough, замешенное on milk, is thin unroll, of 8 sm cut on strips in width and in the length 20 Strips see fold double on length, pinch the longitudinal edges, the formed sacks fill with forcemeat and pinch from the open party. Products boil in the boiling added some salt water. Forcemeat - cut by the straws, fried in drawn butter, onions + small cut welded вкрутую eggs. It is very tasty with sour cream.
The fresh dough divide into parts, grease with vegetable oil and leave on 5-10 mines, then each long loaf fast movements extend and twist, repeating this operation before reception of thin threads. Cut noodles, boil it in the added some salt water and wash out. Meat small cut, fry with onions, add a tomato-mashed potatoes and fry even 10 minutes Then in ware with meat pour in water, vinegar and cook to readiness. At giving noodles warm up, sauce meat with and strew small cut eggs and рубленым garlic.
Soups in a Tajik cuisine very dense, rich, with aroma of spicy spices. The Tadjik mistresses fill soups with fresh tomatoes, and also sour-milk products. Such as сузьма, катык, каймак, курут.
Tadjiks prepare soups, basically, on a meat, bone broth or preliminary frying small cut meat, is more rare — on milk, vegetable broth. The most popular soups — шурбо, угро. In a Tajik cuisine it is accepted to add red pepper, a barberry, an anise, a saffron to soups. From spicy greens — a coriander, fennel, parsley, mint, райхон, green onions, щавель — in the crushed kind. Tadjiks submit soups in special ware: касах, пиалах, round and oval deep dishes – таваках. The clay, ceramic ware is especially appreciated. In it soup long remains hot. Here that from itself represent traditional Tadjik soups …
Мастоба – the big pieces of mutton fry with tomatoes and other vegetables, fill in with water, cook 20 minutes then add rice and катык.
Лагман (Noodles with meat)
The fresh dough unroll in sheet and cut thin long noodles. Boil noodles in the added some salt water.
Then prepare special sauce - кайлы. Cut cubes meat, a potato, carrots, the Bulgarian pepper, fresh cabbage, an onions napiform, fresh tomatoes, рубленый and fry garlic, greens in strong разогретом fat. Then fill in with a water small amount, fill with spices, salt and extinguish on slow fire of 30-40 minutes. Before giving to a table boiled noodles fill in with sauce, strew greens and put sour milk.
Угро (Soup-noodles with meat)
Large pieces of mutton or beef fill in with cold water, put carrots, an onions and lead up to boiling. In a boiling broth put peas (preliminary presoaked), and in 30-40 minutes a potato. Separately prepare угро – the most thin, as паутинка, noodles. Before giving on a table soup fill with sour milk, рубленой greens.
Шавля (soup with rice)
The fried slices of mutton fill in with hot water or a broth, put salt, the pepper, the carrots chopped by straws and lead up to boiling. Then add the browned onions, rice, cook to загустения and extinguish in an oven to readiness.
Каурмо шурбо
Mutton pulp fry in a copper before formation of a ruddy crust, put the onions cut by straws, carrots and fry even 5-7 minutes. Then put small cut tomatoes. All fill in it with cold water and lead up to boiling on slow fire. 30 minutes prior to readiness it is necessary to put a potato, шинкованный the Bulgarian pepper, spices. Ready шурбо strew greens. Boiled meat, a potato submit separately on a wooden dish.
In the kindled mutton fat fry it is thin the chopped onions, then fall asleep a flour and fry it to golden colour. After that the thick is filled in with water and 8-10 minutes Ready soup are extinguished should has a sour cream consistence. Before giving to a table in soup put vegetable oil, salt, pepper, spices.
Naryn (soup from a horse-flesh)
Smoked and fresh mutton, fat and казы boil to readiness, then take out from a broth, cool and cut straws. Noodles boil in the added some salt water. Submit in a plate, having put meat, fat, казы, noodles and the browned onions, strew pepper and fill in with a hot broth.
Salads, snack, vegetable dishes
Vegetables and greens are present almost at each Tadjik dish. Anyhow, after all all it grows here from time immemorial. Directly from a kitchen garden the hospitable Tadjik owner breaks juicy tomatoes, cucumbers, a garden radish, fragrant greens. In the markets full eggplant, onions, vegetable marrows, pepper, carrots, garlic, a string bean, a potato, fresh fruit. Yes, to list it is possible infinitely. All it under the hot Tadjik sun grows much. From here such variety on дастархане (dining table). Before the basic dish Tadjiks always treat visitors with vegetable snack or salads from a young garden radish, tomatoes, cucumbers, a radish, a rhubarb, greens of fennel, parsley, райхона, a coriander etc.
Salad «Гиссар»
Welded in a uniform and the cleared potato, boiled carrots, boiled meat, cucumbers, tomatoes cut cubes, onions cut, welded вкрутую eggs cut segments. The prepared products mix, add salt, pepper and spread in салатник. At giving water катыком, decorate segments of egg and рубленой greens.
And can be to you on a table will submit more difficult dish, for example, аклажаны, stuffed vegetables on-tadzhikski. For vegetable forcemeat in the heated oil fry шинкованный an onions, carrots, fresh tomatoes, greens, garlic. With forcemeat fill половинки an eggplant and extinguish on a frying pan to readiness.
Favourite drink of Tadjiks - green tea. To drink tea already became here original ritual. Any reception of the visitors, any friendly meeting and conversation do not do without пиалы this hot drink. Even the dinner begins with tea. Пиалы with tea submit on trays. In Tajikistan green tea drink, basically, in the summer, black everywhere in the winter. By the way, tea in Central Asia use without sugar. From other characteristic drinks prepared for a table, it is possible to note water-ices - fruit broths with sugar. Tea with milk is called «ширчай».
Ширчой (tea)
In boiling water fall asleep tea, add boiled milk and lead up to boiling then fill with a butter and salt.
The sweet table of a Tajik cuisine is very specific, various and extensive. Tadjiks, it is necessary to tell, as well as other Muslim people (Arabs, Persians, Turks), do not know a dessert as finishing, final dish. Sweets, drinks and fruit which on the European table finish any meal, in the east are used twice during meal, and at times and three times - them submit both to, and after, and in the course of food intake. The national batch – brushwood, puff sweet pies and, of course, halvah is very popular and tasty in Tajikistan. In the east without it not to manage. Traditional sweets it is crystal sugar (alarm), нишалло (кремообразная weight from the sugar, the brought down egg whites and a soap root), traditional sweets (пичак).
Халвайтар (Liquid flour halvah) In разогретый the mutton fat, slowly fall asleep a flour and fry, stirring slowly before formation of brown colour. Then add a sugar syrup and mix. Ready halvah spill on plates. Then cool and cut. In halvah it is possible to add nuts, almonds, pistachios, vanillin.